impacts of anthropocentric climate change on ecosystems Flashcards
what is phenotypic plasticity?
ability of a single genotype to produce alternate phenotypes in an environmentally dependent context
what happens to fish when water becomes warmer?
- warmer water contains less oxygen
- fish require more oxygen at higher temperatures
- larger fish cannot compensate with oxygen declines
- increase in smaller fish
what is the Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory?
growth of gill surfaces cannot keep up with the oxygen demand of growing 3-dimensional bodies
-> gill surface area does not increase in constant proportion with fish body weight
what is Allen’s rule?
appendages of endotherms will be larger in warmer climates because they need to do lots of dumping of heat loads
what behavioral adaptation must reptiles adopt with climate change?
they must retreat to cool refuges, although this leads decreases their long term survival because they can’t reproduce or eat in refuges
what is phenology?
study of recurring plant and animal life cycle stages that are influenced by environmental changes (especially seasonal variations in temperatures and precipitation)
what is happening with life cycle stages with regards to climate change?
life events are happening earlier in the year
what is the problem with changes in phenology?
not always adaptive! for example, birds have shfited their egg-laying date but not the date of their spring migration
what are plant/animal species doing to adapt to rising temperatures?
- going north
- going up in altitude
what are the limitations to shifting biome ranges?
- dispersal rates
- land-use change and fragmentation
what issues are populations facing who are now isolated on “mountaintop islands”?
they face small island problems, less food, less genetic diversity
what are the consequences of increased shrub growth due to climate change?
threatens caribou:
- shrubs crowd out lichens (caribou’s food)
- shrubs collect snow which makes it harder to reach lichens beneath
speads up rate of warming:
- snow trapped by shrubs insulates soil, keeping it warmer over winter -> arctic microbes increasing activity making soil better for shrubs (positive feedback loop)
what is an example of the impacts of climate change on phenology and biotic interactions?
the nesting period of birds not coming up after the caterpillar stage (what they eat) which relies on the leafing stage
what is the example of the effect of climate change on daphnia zooplankton?
as CO2 levels increase in the ocean, their predator perception is diminished so their defense expression decreases -> they can no longer properly defend themselves against predators
how does climate change affect plants and herbivore interactions?
- higher temperatures means that there will be higher insect growth rates causing more plant damage
- warmer winter temperatures reduce overwinter mortality among herbivores and increase foraging
- if there are more herbivores, the plants may have to invest more in defense which will have a negative effect on edible available biomass
why are wildfires increasing in intensity?
- we stop little fires which leads to big fires (buildup of dead fuel)
- longer, more intense summer droughts are stressing out trees
- beetles attack stressed trees (more dead fuel)
what types of plants are taking over the arctic with help from fires?
shrubs! fires are consuming lichens and giving soil nutrients and warmth to facilitate shrub growth
why are mountain pine beetles thriving with climate change?
- they prefer lodgepole pine which is abundant because of fire surpression
- beetle larvae are killed by severe winter cold snaps which happen less and less with warmer winters
- positive feedback loop because the trees they kill are becoming sources of CO2
what are some examples of population declines due to climate change?
- trees (species richness and density decreasing)
- butterflies due to early migration before milkweed is available
- seagrass meadows due to more seawater intrusions and increase saline conditions and depth
- birds due to phenology
- polar bears due to decrease in sea ice