Impactions Flashcards
Types of caecal impactions
Primary: acc of solid
Secondary: acc of liquid
May be combo of the 2
* may be no clinical or colic signs, if it also ivolves ileum is more of a surgical problem!!
Rupture is possible- often with no signif abd pain or systemic signs therefore monitoring is NB
Pathogenesis of primary caecal impaction
Gradual development
Decr motility, the aboral movement slows or stops
Content: firm and dry (because the water reabs is still normal)
Normal defecation for some time as large colon was full and still functioning
Primary caecal impaction: clinical signs
Repeats of mild colic
Decr appetite
Decr defecation
Variable manure
Decr peristaltic sounds on R
Normal CV
Rectal palpation: base is full! palpate on R in front of the pelvis
Primary caecal impaction: treatment
Fluid therapy: give water and salts every 2-3 hours orally and if reflux develops change to IV
Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) and other salt mixtures: principle: salt draws water into the lumen so horse can easily excrete
Secondary caecal impaction
Usually in sport horses when undergoing box rest from eg ortho surgery
Postop pain makes more difficult to recognise
Can be close to rupture by the time colic signs develop
Increased risk:
- <3 manure piles a day
- >1hr ortho surgery and a high dose of phenylbut
Secondary caecal impaction clinical signs and options
Clinical signs similar to primary
Rectal palp: distened/ wall of caecum v tight, semi-liquid content
prognosis good if early and proper treatment
success rate similar for both types
Caecal impaction differentials
Large colon impaction
R dors displacement of large colon
Caecal tympany
Mesenteric abscess- usually more cran, near the mesenteric route
Large colon impaction aetiology
Feeding: poor quality hay and large amnt of straw
Dental: can’t chew the roughage
Decr water- esp in winter when water is cold
Obesity, lack of exercise
*Rocking horse posture*
Large colon impaction pathogenesis
Decr peristalsis
Normal H20 abs
Distended, full colon
Secondary tympany
Compression atrophy
Endotox, peritonitis (because the bact rich fluid is not going anywhere)
Predilection sites: PELVIC FLEXURE
Ampulla at end of right dorsal colon
Large colon impaction clinical signs
Mild to moderate colic signs
Rocking horse posture
Decr appetite
Approx normal vitals: PCV and TPP especially
Small, dark and firm faecal balls
Reduced sounds
Large colon impaction diagnosis
Rectal palp: Pelvic flexure (I think btw the right ventral and dorsal colon?) localize in midline or slightly to the R, can even go into the pelvis
90degree torsion: when the dors and vetral colon are on the same level
Large colon impaction differentials
Caecal impaction or tympany- diagnose by rectal palp and remember gas acc can be secondary to a primary obstruction or impaction
Large colon tympany
Enterolithiasis, bezoars
Mesenteric abscess
Eq grass sickness: innerv is lost, no peristalsis- content is normal just not moving- becomes dry and firm
Large colon impaction treatment
Spasmolytics,analgesics, sedatives
Fluids via NG tube or IV
Controlled exercise
Spasmolytics, analgesics and sedatives
Flunixin, phenylbutazone
Xylazine, detomidine and but
Laxatives (same as for primary caecal impaction)
Magnesium sulphate (epsom salts)
Salt mixtures e.g NaCl and Kcl in 4/5L of water throughout the day
Liquid paraffin- thought to decrease H2O abs from gut lumen, makes mucosa more slippery
Fluid therapy
Start with NG tube!!
4-5 L of water + salt mixture every2-3 hrs
IV: increases water secretion into gut lumen by decreasing oncotic P
Large colon impaction prognosis
good to excellent
Fair with surgery
Some possibel complication:
- Postop Dx
- Thrombophlebitis
- Incisional infection
- Peritonitis
Small colon impaction
2 forms: simple and following Dx
How to tell if small colon? white taenia and haustra
*faecal balls covered by very thick yellowish mucus is very characteristic to small colon inf
Small colon impaction types
Simple is very similar to L colon impaction
Following Dx:
- if Dx caused by inflamm- edema
- Large amnt of ingest enters small quickly
- Initially Dx quickly switching to impaction
Small colon impaction clinical signs
Mild colic
Good generally
Variable appetite
Reduced/no defecation
Very firm, dark, triangular or rectangular faecal balls
Reduced borborygmy
Distended abdomen: tympany in large colon
Small colon impaction diagnosis
In mild to moderate cases only an arm-sized part of the small colon is affected, large amount of really firm faecal balls
Severe cases: just one very hard mass of faeces
Small colon impaction Differentials
Complete small colon obstruction e.g enterolith or bezoar
Large colon impaction
Caecal impaction
Small colon impaction treatment
Rectal enema
Fluid therapy: oral or IV