Equine Dentistry Flashcards
What are the 4 types of teeth
Incisors: 3
Canines: 4
Premolars: wolf teeth are the first! cheek teeth
Molar: 3= cheeck teeth
Deciduous and permanent teeth go through their own embryonic development- the permanent premolars erupt under the deciduous premolars until the roots of the temp teeth are dissolved
Most dense, hardest tissue in the body
Mineal content >95%
Cannot repair itself
2 types: peripheral and infundibular
Comprises the majority if dental tissue
70% mineral content
Softer and flexible compared to enamel- helps prevent cracks in the enamel
Secondary or tertiary dentin is used for repair
Calcified and bone-like
BS from periodontal ligament
Mandibular cheek teeth
Normally have 5 pulp chambers- containing the nerves
Fracture of a chamber can cause nerve damage
Maxillary cheek teeth
5 pulp chambers
3 roots
2 infundibula
Difference between infundibular and pulp chambers
Pulp chambers go the the root area and connect
Infundibular chamber is closed and in not connected to the pulp chamber
Maxillary vs mandibular teeth
Maxillary have 3 roots
Mandibular have 2 roots
Triandan classification
Right max
Left max
Right mand
Left mandib
First premolar is 105 on the R
Molars 109-111
L side first premolar is 205…
Pulp numbering
on 106 and 111 there are extra chambers
106 at the most rostr point
111 at the most caud
Chewing cycle
Can only chew on one side at a time
Mastication pattern: ventral, lateral, dorsal, medial (down, out, up and in)
Retained deciduous
Seen frequently
Maleruption of perm teeth-
failure of root resorption of deciduous
Before surgery- take x-rays
Malocclsuion- offset bite
Problematic if they cannot chew properly
Can cut incisors in order to get them to the correct position
Parrot mouth
Like maxillary overbite
Easier to correct in foals, surgery may be required
Sow mouth
Common in miniature ponies
Supernumerary teeth
Developmental abnormalities
Can correct with dental equipment, extract if they affect the chewing cycle
Fixation surgery- in stable in sedated, standing horse with local anaesthesia
Dorsoventr or ventrodors X-rays
Trauma case of fracture of the mandible
Did lat-oblique views to visualise the fracture line
Incision with 11 blade in gap between the 6 and 7 teeth, used IV catheter to push through cerclage wire, fixation of joint and teeth
Aetiology is unknown- maybe seconary to fracture
Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementesis
- Geriatric
- Pain- altering the chewing cycle
- Diagnose via inspection or x-ray where remodelling of root area is visible
- Canines and incisors- enlarged bump on root area
- Extract the affected teeth
Cheek teeth abnormalities
Supernumerary: always count because sometimes not noticeable
Not always necessary to remove them
Roots become straighter and the diastema is recognised easier
Closed Diastema
Manib: btw 9 and 10
Deep peroidontal disease
Osteomyelitis- teeth may loosen and therefore should be extrated
Use bur to widen diastema and create a bigger hole- remove food/bacteria
Open diastema
Bact cause inflamm
Treatment: remove overgrowth and apply curved bur
Better prognosis that closed
Inflamm caused by bact!
Abrasion, trauma, iatrogenic, thermal damage
Treatment: extraction of tooth!
Sedation and local anaesth- make sure max nerve for max etc
Use spreader to reduce sharp edges between infected tooth and prev tooth and behind the affected tooth- use this to dissect the periodontal ligament from infront and behind
Grab crown with forceps and try to loosen- can take hours in younger
Periapical infection
Easy to diagnose- will be enlarged on the MANDIBULAR SIDE
May be puruelnt discharge, or fissure canal from the root to oral cavity (prognosis good in this case)
On MAX side- harder to see the enlarged arear therefore use X-ray to determine the exact location. Early max stage use CT to diagnose
Usually in younger because have intensive bs supplying the bact
Displaced cheek teeth
Congenital disorder with eruption
Case: 9 yr old- left mandible enlarged and a bit painful
Fissure, awful smell
Minimal invasive buccotomy
Oral and Dental Tumours
Squamous cell carcinoma- malignant hyperplasia of strat sq epithelium
V invasive surgery with poor prognosis