Immunology Flashcards
Describe the sterility of the uterus
Sterile except when cervix opens in oestrus
Outline the immunological challenges of the female reproductive tract
- Commensal flora
- Infectious agents
- Sperm
- Semi-allogenic foetus
- Seminal plasma
- Oestrogen
- Progesterone
What does semi-allogenic mean?
From the same species but sharing half the genetic material
Describe seminal plasma as a challenge to the female reproductive tract
- Induces local inflammatory changes
- To protect agains infectious agents introduced during intercourse
- Inflammatory response when semen comes into contact with vagina, cervix and uterus
Describe oestrogen on terms of female reproductive tract immunology
- Influx of leukcocytes at oestrus
- Pro-inflammatory factors prior to implantation in association with pre-implantation surge of E2
- Insemination: infectious material cleared rapidly
- Th1 dominant (CD4 Th, IFNy and CMI)
- Pro-inflammatory
Describe progesterone in terms of female reproductive tract immunology
- Anti-inflammatory
- INduction of immunoregulatory protein
- When binds to immune cells, produce factors that are immuno-suppressive
- Th2 dominant (CD4 Th producing IL-4, -5, -9, -13)
- Pregnancy has bias towards Th2 (anti-inflam) immunity
Explain the concept of the foeto-placental allograft
- Foetus and trophoblasts expressing antigens (MHC I) from father, but not rejected by mother
- The conceptus can be considered as 2 grafts - foetus and trophoblast
- Trophoblast is the first barrier to maternal immunity
List mechanisms by which the foetus may avoid maternal immuno-rejection
- Trophoblast as first barrier to maternal immune response
- Decidua and endometrium
- Greater number of layers between maternal and foetal blood (more layers = less challenge to immune system)
Describe the formation and function of the decidua and endometrium in relation to foetal avoidance of maternal immuno-rejection
- Formed in response to progesterone
- Prepares uterus for embryo
- Secretory phase
Describe the development of the decidua in primates and rodents prior to pregnancy
- Increases glandular epithelial secretions (oedema) at secretory cells
- Promotes formation of spiral arterioles
- Shed when progesterone declines
Describe the development of the endometrium in farm animals prior to pregnancy
- Increase in glandular secretions
- Increase in blood vessels and blood flow
- Re-absorbed when progesterone declines
- No menstruation
Explain why the trophoblast is antigenically unusual
- Does not express some of paternal antigens easily recognised by maternal immune system
- E.g. MHC class I
- Makes placenta resistant to recognition and attach by maternal immune cells
What does the type of immune cells present in uterus depend on?
- Differs between species
- Presence of decidua or endometrium
- Degree of trophoblast invasion
Describe the immune cells in species with decidua
- Human and non-human primates
- NK cells 75% of decidual leuckocytes
- Interact with placental antigens
- Normally result in production of local factors supportive of pregnancy e.g. immunosuppressive
Describe the immune cells in species with endometrium
- Includes domestic animals
- No uterine NK (except pigs)
- Macrophages
- Specialised T cells (sheep, horse)
- Immunosuppression, growth enhancement, placental detachment at parturition
Describe the immunological features of binucleate cells in ruminants
- Uni-nucleate trophoblast cells have very little, if any MHC-I
- Increased expression as BNCs migrate
- Foreign antigens deliberately upregulated