Immunology 3 - Transplantation Flashcards
Recall the 3 phases of immune response to a transplanted graft
- Recognition of foreign antigens
- Activation of antigen-specific lymphocytes
- Effector phase of grant rejection: where the immune system mounts a response against the organ, causing damage
What are the 2 most variant protein variants in clinical transplantation?
ABO blood group
HLA antigens
**these are the proteins against which immune responses are mounted
On which type of cell is HLA class I expressed?
All cells
On which type of cell is HLA class II expressed?
Antigen-presenting cells
**but can be upregulated on other cells in time of stress
eg transplanted organs
Which part of the HLA molecule is highly variable?
Peptide binding groove
In T cell-mediated transplant reaction, how are alloreactive T cells activated?
- Both donor and host APCs present foreign HLA in their own MHCs
- Costimulatory signals
- Cytokines (feedback loop between APC and T cells)\
**NB DONOR APC are presenting self antigen to recipient immune system…almost like self sabotage….**
Which types of HLA fall into each class?
which ones are the most important in the context of transplant
HLA-A, B, C = class 1 HLA-DR, DQ, DP =class 2
Importance: DR > B > A
What are the actions of activated T cells in T cell-mediated transplant rejection?
- Proliferation
- Produce cytokines (especially IL2)
- ‘Help’ CD8+ cells
- ‘Help’ antibody production
- Recruit phagocytic cells
How can you identify graft dysfunction?
- abnormal renal function tests
- abnormal liver function tests
- biopsy - determines if rejection is happening or not
What are the key histological features of T cell-mediated transplant rejection?
What are the key immunohistochemical features of T-cell mediated transplant rejection?
Lymphocytic interstitial infiltration
Ruptured tubular basement membrane
Tubulitis (inflammatory cells within the tubular epithelium)
Macrophages, recruited by the T cells
- mainly T cells: CD3+ cells
**main thing is that inflammation is interstitial
Recall the 3 phases of antibody mediated rejection
- B cells recognise foreign HLA
- Proliferation and maturation of B cells with anti-HLA antibody production
- Effector phase: antibodies bind to graft ENDOTHELIUM
Recall the process of antibody-mediated rejection phase 3
This is where the antibodies against HLA exert damage. This can be:
a) Compelment dependent
- complement binds to immunoglobulin on endothleium
a) activates MAC –> lysis
b) Complement independent
- antibody directly binds to HLA antigens present on the graft endothelium and neurtalise HLA antigens
(in both cases, the antibody is still binding to the endothelium)
–> Overall this lead sto cogaulatio, compromise to blood supply and organ dysfunction
What are the key histological features of antibody-mediated transplant rejection?
- Inflammatory cell infiltrate
- Capillaritis
- Immunohistochemistry shows fixation or complement fragments on endothelial cell surfaces - in cases of complement mediated effector damage
Describe the effector phase of T cell-mediated transplant rejection
The T cells will tether, roll and arrest on the endothelial cell surface
They will then crawl through into the interstitium and start attacking the tubular epithelium
WHat is done to prevent graft rejection?
- Tissue typing : to check compatibility between donor and recipient
- Screening for anti-HLA antibodies in the recipient
What test is used to do HLA typing before a transplant?
PCR-DNA sequencing
What at the 3 methods of screening for anti-HLA antibodies?
- Cytotoxicity assays - inspects if recipient’s serum binds to the donor lymphocytes by looking for LYSIS
- Flow cytometry - inspects if recipient’s serum binds to the donor lymphocytes by looking for BOUND FLUORESCENTLY-LABELLED ANTIBODY
- Solid phase assays, ‘Luminex’ (uses a series of beads that contain all the possible HLA phenotypes) - fluorescently labelled immunoglobulin used to determine which HLA epitopes the antibodies bind to
What is the most reliable HLA test nowadays?
Solid phase assays - uses beads that have different HLA epitopes and fluorescent colour
Recall 2 treatments that all transplant recipients receive to prevent rejection?
Induction agent
Base-line immunosuppression
Baseline immunosuppression is important to learn (has been in PPQ) =
Mycophenalate mofetil
Tacrolimus (calcineurin inhibitor)
(Pre-Transplant Meds = acronym)
A pt has an episode of acute T cell-mediated rejection 2 months post-transplantation. What would be the most common drug administered?
Corticosteroid (prednisolone)
*can also give anti CD3 antibody
Recall 3 pathologies that immunosuppresion increases risk of
Infection, malignancy and drug toxicity
Recall some drugs used to manage T cell vs antibody-mediated transplant rejection
T cell rejection management:
- Steroids (prevent general T cell activation)
- Calcineurin inhibitors (prevent cell signalling)
- Anti-proliferative agents (mycophenalate, azothioprine)
- receptor inhibitors (eg anti-CD3)
Antibody rejection management:
- Rutiximab (anti-CD20)
- BAFF inhibitors
- proteasome inhibitors (block antibody production by plasma cells)
- complement inhibitors (block complement binding to endothelium)
What is the main complication of HSCT?
What is the pathogenesis of GvHD?
- During SCT, the host immune system is eliminated (total body irradiation and drugs)
- Bone marrow then replaced (allogenic/autologous)
- Allogenic SCT leads to reaction of donor lymphocytes against host tissues (related to a degree of HLA-incompatibility)
- If there is a malignancy, the graft can help kill these cells (graft-versus-tumour)
What are the 2 options for GvHD prophylaxis before HSCT?
How should GvHD following HSCT be treated?
What are the symptoms of GvHD following HSCT?
A bit like a slow anaphylaxis with jaundice:
- Rash
- Nausea and vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhoea/bloody stool
- Jaundice
What is the post-transplant risk of malignancy?
Viral-associated malignancies are much more common, such as:
- Kaposi sarcoma (HHV8)
- Lymphoproliferative disease (EBV)
Skin cancer is 20x more common
What is the most commonly transplanted organ?
Avergae life of a kidney: 12 years
Which are the most polymorphic HLA molecules?
What is used to determine the risk of rejection prior to transplantation?
Number of mismatches in HLA alleles - important ones like A, B, DR
What is an atypical feature of T-cell mediated rejection?
*T cells attack the endothelium
What is the purpose of doing a graft biopsy?
To test whether graft failure is actually due to rejection or due to other things like drug reaction or infection
What is the difference between antibodies against HLA and antibodies against AB antigens?
Anti- HLA antibodes are not naturally occurring. Either pre-formed (from previous transplantation or pregnancy) or post-formed in this current transplantation
Anti- AB antibodies are present from birth.
Difference in target between T cel and B cell mediated rejection
T cell mediated rejection: target is the interstitium (or atypical -artertitis)
B cell mediated rejection: antibodies target the endothelium
What are the different stages of rejection?
Hyper acute rejection requires sensitsation prior to this.

How do ABO antigens cause transplant rejection?
AB glycoproteins are expressed on the surface of the endothelium of the transplanted graft\so an immune response cna be mounted against them.
You have pre-formed anti-A or anti-B antibodies from birth dpeneidng on your blood group
Clinically how are ABO incompatible transplants achieved?
Antibodies are removed from the recipient prior to transplant soan ABO incompatible transplant can be acocmplished
What methods are used in clinical practice to prevent B cell mediated rejection?
- Plasma exchange
- Rituximab - anti CD20
- BAFF inhibitors - target cytokines that drive B cell activation and growth
- Proteasome inhibitors - bortezomib- blocks production of antibodies by plasma cells
- Complement inhibitors - eculizumab
Which drugs target the interaction between T and B cells?
- anti CD40
- CD28/B7 blockade
Examples of induction agents given prior to transplant
T cell suppression
- anti CD3
- anti CD52 (TCR aka CD52)
- anti CD25- daclizumab (targets IL-2 signalling)
- anti- IL2 R
Drugs used to treat T cell mediated rejection acutely
- corticosteroids
- anti CD3
Drugs used to treat B cell mediated rejection (acutely)
- plasma exchange
- anti-CD20
- anti-CD5
What are the main effector cells in T-cell rejection?
T cells and macrophages
Isograft vs allograft vs xenograt vs split graft

Deceased donor vs living donor transplants

Direct vs indirect transplant rejection
donor antigen presenting cell presents antigen to recipient T-cells. mainly involved in acute rejection
***D for Direct, D for donor***
recipient APC presents donor antigen to recipient T cells - i.e. immune system working normally as it would for an infection. mainly in chronic rejection
summarise t cell vs antibody mediated rejection

Sumamry of preventative and treatment measures during different phases of transplant

what are some post transplant complications?

what cuases lymphoproliferative disease (post transplant)?