Immunolgoic Screening Flashcards
stiffness that begins in the morning but then is relieved with activity is called _______
gel phenomenon
-common with rheumatic disorders
swelling needs to be distinguished as articular (______), periarticular (_____), entire limb (______), or in another area (_____).
- arthritis
- tenosynovitis
- lymphedema
- lipoma or palpable tumor
Clinical Presentation of rheumatic disorders
stiffness, joint pain, swelling, weakness, Raynaud’s phenomenon, nail bed changes
fever, sweats chronic diarrhea, fatigue, oral infections, HA, vaginal candidiasis, cough, SOB, cutaneous changes suggest ______
Early HIV
- these people are vulnerable to infection
- 25-44 is common age
Prostitution, men & men sexual contact, injection use, blood recipients, dialysis recipients, organ recipient all are risk factors for ______
those with HIV may remain asymptomatic for up to ______
10 years
Kaposi’s sarcoma, HTN, opportunistic disease (persistent cough, fever, easy bruising, atrophy, weakness, back pain), poor wound healing, HIV dementia, distal symmetric polyneuropathy all suggest ________
Advanced Symptomatic HIV Infections
Difficulty w/ concentration/memory, personality changes, HA, seizures, paralysis, motor dysfunction, gradual weakness of extremities, numbness, tingling, radiculopathy all suggest ________
HIV Neurologic Disease
Type ____ Hypersensitivity refers to allergies, IgE, histamine
Type 1
-Anaphylaxis is the most dramatic and devastating form. Will appear w/ itching, edema, sneezing, hives, labored breathing, cramping, tachycardia, palpitations
Type __ hypersensitivity is caused by production of autoantibodies against self cells or tissue that have some form of foreign protein attached to them
Type 2
HA, back (flank) pain, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia and hypotension, hematuria, urticaria suggest ______
type 2 hypersensitivity
Type __ hypersensitivity results from formation or deposition of antigen-antibody complexes in tissues
Type 3
fever, arthralgia, synovitis, lymphadenopathy, urticaria, visceral inflammation suggest _______
type 3 hypersensitivity
itching, erythema, vesicular skin lesions, graft-versus-host disease, skin/GI/hepatic dysfunction suggest ________
type 4 hypersensitivity
_____ is a noninflammatory condition appearing w/ generalized MS pain in conjunction w/ tenderness to touch in a large number of specific areas
The hallmark sign of myofascial pain syndrome is the _____
trigger point
childhood trauma, family issues, and/or physical/sexual abuse, stress, illness, disease all are risk factors for _____
aches and pain, stiffness, swelling in soft tissue, tender points, and muscle spasms/nodules all are symptoms of ____
-aggravated by cold, stress, excessive or no exercise, and physical activity
additional symptoms of fibromyalgia include:
fatigue, restless leg syndrome, tendinitis, temperature dysregulation, morning stiffness, paresthesia, mechanical LBP, dry eyes/mouth, urinary urgency, depression, cognitive difficulties, weight gain, premenstrual syndrome
_______ is a chronic, systemic, inflammatory disorder of unknown cause that can affect various organs but predominantly involves the synovial tissues of the diarthrodial joints
- 2-3x more common in women
- unclear cause, maybe hormones
Swelling in one or more joints, early morning stiffness, recurring pain, inability to move joint normally, obvious redness/warmth, unexplained weight loss, symptoms lasting more than 2 weeks suggest ______
- is Dx of exclusion
- elevation of C-reactive protein and WBCs
-treat w/ immunosuppresives, and DMARDs
_____ is a systemic rheumatic inflammatory disorder of unknown cause w/ stiffness, sudden insidious onset, linked to temperal arteritis
polymyalgia rheumatic
proximal muscle pain/ache, stiffness early morning, weak, fatigue, malaise, low grade fever, HA, weight loss, depression, vision changes suggest ________
polymyalgia rheumatic
______ is a autoimmune rheumatic disease which is chronic characterized by injury to skin, joionts, kidneys, heart and blood-forming organs, nervous system, and mucous membranes
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- butterfly rash
- osteoporosis
- avascular necrosis
- women 10-15x as men
Women, infections, antibiotics, medications, exposure to UV, extreme physical and emotional stress, pregnancy are risk factors for _______
systemic lupus erythematosus
Constitutional symptoms, arthralgias, arthritis, skin rash, pulmonary involvement, anemia, kidney involvement, photosensitivity, hair loss, Raynaud’s, nervous involvement, ulcers suggest _____
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
_____ is characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of many body parts including skin, blood vessels, synovium, skeletal muscle, and kidneys, lungs, heart, GI
- can be Limited or Diffuse
- often have taut skin or taut internal organs
Calcinosis, Raynaud’s, Esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia all suggest ______
Limited Cutaneous Sclerosis (ISSc)
Raynaud’s, skin changes, ulcerations, polyarthralgia, tendon friction rubs, flexion contractures, visceral involvement (lung disease, renal failure, GI, Myocardial, esophageal) suggest _______
Diffuse Cutaneous Sclerosis (dSSc)
Insidious backache before age 30, episodes lasting months, pain increase after rest and decrease with movement, w/ family history suggests _______
-conditions include ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter’s syndrome, PsA, arthritis w/ IBD
_____ is a chronic progressive inflammatory disorder of undetermined cause. more o fibrous tissue
Ankylosing Spondylitis
- insidious LBP more than 3 months
- worse in morning
- most severe the spine will become fused. prone to fracture
- movement aggravates pain
Intermittent LBP, sacroilitis, paravertebral spasm, lose lumbar lordosis, fever, fatigue, anorexia, anemia, painful C-spine motion suggests _____
early stage ankylosing spondylitis
constant LBP, loss lumbar lordosis, ankyloses SI, muscle wasting, dorsocervical kyphosis, decreased chest expansion, arthritis of hips, hip flexion in standing suggests ______
advanced ankylosing spondylitis
cauda equina syndrome, iritis or iridocysclitis, conjunctivitis, enthesitis, carditis, pericarditis, prostasis suggests _______
extraskeletal ankylosing spondylitis
_______ is characterized by triad of arthritis, conjunctivitis, and nonspecific urethritis in the ages 20-40
Reiter’s syndrome
- HLA-B27 may be involved
- LBP and buttock pain common in reactive arthritis
polyarthritis, SI joint changes, LBP, buttock pain, small joint involvement, plantar fasciitis, low-grade fever, urethritis, conjunctivitis, skin involvement, bowel infection, anorexia, weight loss suggests ________
Reiter’s Syndrome
______ is a chronic recurrent, erosive, inflammatory arthritis associated w/ skin disease.
Psoriatic arthritis
fever, fatigue, dystrophic nail changes, polyarthritis, psoriasis, sore fingers, DIP involvement, dactylitis, spondylitis, and iritis suggests _______
psoriatic arthritis
______ is a disease which often occurs from deer tick infected w/ spiral bacterium. often see a bullseye rash, arthritis. neurologic involvement, and possibly cardiac involvement
Lyme Disease
-need fast treatment but its difficult to diagnose
Red rash, flu symptoms, migratory MS pain, neuro symptoms, eye problems, heart abnormalities, arthritis, encephalopathy, neurocognitive dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy all suggest ________
Lyme Disease
_______ is the most common inflammatory demyelinating disease of the CNS, ages 20-40, temperate climates
Multiple Sclerosis
Unilateral visual impairment, paresthesias, ataxia, vertigo, fatigue, bowel/bladder, speech, optic neuritis, nystagmus, spasticity, hyperreflexia, Babinski, Lhermitte’s sign all suggest _______
Multiple sclerosis
_________ is an acute acquired autoimmune disorder w/ demyelination of peripheral nervous system w/ abrupt onset of paralysis
- progressive 3-7 days
- typically bilateral, progressive, symmetrical, ascending
- CN’s can be involved
Progressive/ascending/bilateral weakness, diminished deep tendon weakness, paresthesias, fever, malaise, and nausea suggest ______
______ develops for unknown reasons when antibodies produced by immune system block Ach receptors creating muscle dysfunction
Myastenia Gravis
-weakness and fatigue ability
muscle fatigability, proximal weakness, ptosis, diplopia, dysarthria, bulbar involvement, alteration in voice quality, dysphagia, nasal regurgitation, choking, difficulty chewing all suggest _______
myasthenia gravis
signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock
immediate medical attention
new onset of joint pain w/ recent history of surgery
immediate medical attention
dusky blue discoloration w/ tenderness over septic joint
immediate medical attention