immunizations Flashcards
when does the advisory committee on immunization practices publish updated immunization schedules
annually in January
Administration on all vaccines given except influenza
0.5 mL IM or SQ depending on vaccine
What type of vaccine MUST be given as first dose
Hep B Vaccine
-All Newborns: 1st dose before hospital discharge
-Second Dose: 1-2 months of age: monovalent or combo vaccine containing Hep B
-infants born to hepB antigen + mothers:
- admin hep B vax within 12 hr of birth
- Test for HBsAG and Antibody after 3 or more doses of Hep B series at 9-18 months
-Series of 3 from 6-32 wks
-admin 1st dose 6-14 wks and each subsequent at 4 wk intervals
-must complete series before 32 wks
- do not admin a dose after age of 32 weeks
-series of 3 primart (2-4-6) and boosters (15 m & 6 yr)
-DTaP not indicated for children 7 or older
-Series of 1 at 11 or 12 with subsequent every 10 years
HIB Conjugate
Series of 3 primary(2-4-6) and 1 booster (12 m)
Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV13 and PPSV23)
-Series of 3 primary (2-4-6) and 1 booster (12m)
-Children 24-59 m if they have the following: hemoglobinopathies; aslenia; splenic dysfunction;HIV; congenital immunodeficiencies; renal failure; nephrotic syndrome; chronic cardiac disease; COPD; diabetes; consider in this age group if Native AMerican, AA or alaskan descent or attending daycare
-Series of 2 (2,4,6 and 6 yr)
-IPV (Inactivated vaccine) for all
-One dose annually
- beginning at 6 m
-0.25 mL IM 6-35 months
-0.50 mL IM 3 yr and up
-9 and under receive 2 doses 1 month apart
-Series of 2 (1yr by 12 yrs)
-if exposed can give at 6 m
- may be given with TB testing with PPD
-prefer to postpone PPD for 4-6 wks to avoid suppressive response to PPD
-Series of 2 b/t 12 m & 12 yrs, min. 3 mo apart
- Prefer seperation of MMR by 1 month
Hep A
-series of 2 (1 - 2 yrs) 6 m apart
-Series of 2 (11-12 and booster at 16)
-increased rate of meningococcal disease between 16 & 21
- adolescents receiving 1st does at or after 16, no booster necessary
-series of 2 as early as 9 but recommended at 11-12; second dose given 6-12 m after 1st
-Series of 3(15 or older; second dose given 1-2 months and third at 6 months
-Gardasil 9 is only prep available; covers cervical, vulvar, vaginal and anal cancers caused by HPV(7 types); precancerous or dysplastic lesions (9HPV types); and genital warts (2 HPV types)
how to resumes if break in recommend schedule
resume immunizations according to chlild’s current age regardless of vaccines previously missed
Vaccine adverse reactions
-local muscle soreness
-low grade temp
-local erythema and tenderness
Vax Contraindications
IPV: in pts with hx of anaphylaxis to streptomycin
MMR: contra in pregnancy or immunosuppressed
Varicella: contra in pregnancy, immunosuppressed and streptomycin allergy
Flu: contra in anaphylaxis to eggs
VAX reportable events
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System
- Anaphylaxis