Developmental milestones - Early Childhood Flashcards
Newborn Milestones
- Moves all extremeties
- spontaneous stepping
- reacts to sounds by blinking, turning
-Responds to cries of other neonates
-Well-developed sense of smell
-cries when uncomfortable
-Preference for higher-pithed voices
-Primitive reflexes
- Tonic Neck
- Palmar grasp
- Babinski response
- Rooting awake and asleep
- Sucking - able to be calmed by feeding, cuddling
- Reinforces presence of developmental tasks seen in exam room
1- 2 month Milestones
- Lifts head
- Holds head erect
- Regards face
- follows objects through visual field
- Moro and palmar grasp refelxes fading
-social smile - recognizes parent
3 -4 month Milestones
- Grasps cube
- reaches for objects
- Brings object to mouth
- Raspberry sound
- Laughs, squeals, vocalizes in response to others
- Recognizes food by sight
- Rolls back to side
- Imitates others
- Repeats interesting actions
5 month Milestones
- Back straight when pulled to sitting
- Bears weight on legs when standing
-Plays with feet
-Sits with support
-Coughs, snorts to attract attention
6-8 month Milestones
-Sits without support
- Scoops small objects with rake grip; some thumb use
-Hand to Hand transfer
-Imitates Bye Bye
- Stranger and separation anxiety begins (6months) and increases during this time peroid
-Pulls feet into mouth
- closes lips in response to dislike of food
- Rolls back to stomach and stomach to back
- Recognizes “no”
- Chains together syllables (dada, papa, mama) but does not have a meaning
9 - 11 month Milestones
- Crawls, pulling self forward by hands, then creeps with abdomen off floor
- Stands initially by holding onto furniture, later stands solo
-Imitates peek a boo and pat a cake - Picks up small object with thumb and index finger
- Cruises
- follows simple command such as “come here”. Assigns meaning to words such as mama, papa, dada
12 - 15 Month Milestone
-Initially walks with help, progresses to walking solo
-Neat pincer grasp
-places cube in cup
-Hands over objects on request
-Builds tower of two bricks
- Says one to two words
-Indicates wants by pointing
- Scribbles spontaneously
-Imitates animal sounds
15-20 month Milestone
-Points to several body parts
-Throws a ball overhand
-seats self in chair
-Uses a spoon with little spilling
-walks up and down steps with help
-understands 2 step commands
- feeds self
-carries and hugs doll
- imitates housework
- Speech: 4 to 6 words by 15 months, increases to 10 or more words by 18 months
-scribbles vigorously
-builds tower 3 cubes tall
24 Month Milestone
-speaks in sentences of 2 or more words
-Kicks ball on request
- jumps with both feet
- uses pronouns
-developing handedness
- copies vertical and horizontal lines
-has up to 300 word vocabulary
-washes and dries hands
- engages in parallel play
- puts on simple clothing
30 Month Milestone
-walks backwards
- hops on one foot
- copies circle
- Gives first and last name
- Uses plurals
- usually separates easily from parents
36 Month Milestone
-Holds crayons with fingers
-Nearly all speech intelligible to people not in daily contact with child
-3 word sentences
- walks down stairs alternating steps
-rides tricycle
- copies circles
-dresses with supervision
3-4 Year Milestone
-Responds to command to place object in, on or under a table
-Knows gender
-Draws circle when one is shown
- takes off jacket and shoes
- washes and dries face
- engages in cooperative play
-speech includes plurals, personal pronouns, verbs
- skips
- asks many questions
4-5 Year Milestone
-runs and turns while maintaining balance
-stands on one foot for at least 10 seconds
-counts to 4
-draws person without torso
-copies 1 by imitation
- verbalizes activities to do when cold, hungry, tired
-buttons clothes
-dresses self (not including tying shoelaces)
-Can play without adult input for about 30 mins
5-6 Year Milestones
-Catches ball
-knows age
-knows right from left hand
-draws person with 6 to 8 parts including torso
-identifies best friend
-likes teacher
- able to complete simple chores
-understands concept of 10 items: likely counts higher by rote
- has sense of gender
6 - 7 Year Milestone
-Copies triangle shape
-draws person with at least 12 parts
-prints name
-reads multiple single-syllable words
-ties shoelaces
-counts to 30 and above
-able to differentiate morning from later in day
-generally plays well with peers
-No significant behavioral problems in school
- Can name intended career