Immunization Flashcards
Safety concerns
Autism: thimerosal , a mercury containing preservative, was though to possibly be the cause however it has been removed from his childhood vaccines and autism rates have not decreased…. Nor have they decreased in areas where parents refuse more often
Side effects: mild fever, soreness, swelling, rarely anaphylaxis
Guidelines/references (American pharmacist Association) (immunization action coalition)
Vaccine information statement (VIS)
Federal law requires that patients receive the most up-to-date version before each vaccine is administered
Active immunity
Protection that is produced by the person’s own immune system
This is usually permanent and comes from surviving an infection but can be produced. Vaccination
Passive immunity
Usually acquired from a source or an injection an example would be antibodies an infant receives from its mother
Separation time between the measles and varicella (varivax) vaccines
His vaccine given first wait two weeks before giving antibody however if antibiotic given first wait three months or longer before giving vaccine
Simultaneous administration
Give them all at one time… It’s better to give them them all than to have to wait for the separation time
Nonsimultaneous administration
If live parenteral vaccines and live intranasal or influenza vaccines are not administered at the same time they must be separated by at least four weeks
Live parenteral vaccines
MMR, MMRV, varicella, zoster, and yellow feve
Interval for administration of live vaccines and TB test
Can be administered on the same day as the preferred method to avoid a false-negative, but if the vaccine has been given recently but not on the same day as the PPD wait four weeks
What to do in the event of anaphylaxis
Call 911
Administer epinephrine 1:1000 dilution intramuscularly (0.01 mg/kg up to 0.5 mg max)
Administered diphenhydramine either orally or by injection but do not give Oriely if patient has signs of mouth throat or lips swelling and difficulty breathing
Give CPR if necessary
Repeat dose of epinephrine is EMS is not arrive
Absolute contraindications for live vaccines
Pregnancy and immunosuppression
What is classified as immunosuppression
Steroid induced: 20 mg or more per day, 2 mg per kilogram or more per day
*not intra-articular injections, metered dose inhalers, topical alternate day or short course for less than 14 days
Anyone receiving cancer treatment with alkylating agents or anti-metabolite or radiation therapy
Patients with HIV with a CD4 count of <200
Transplant patients (can receive pneumococcal but need PCV13 first then PPSV23)
Vaccinations for healthcare professionals
Hepatitis B, flu, MMR, varicella, Tdap (with Td boosters every 10 years), meningococcal
Egg allergy
If a person can eat lightly cooked eggs without a reaction or if the person experiences only hives after eating egg containing foods an inactivated influenza vaccine can be administered and the patients it should be observed for at least 30 minutes
- egg allergies are a concern with yellow fever, rabies, influenza vaccines