IMMUNIZATION (1) Flashcards
terms, legislations
a process where a person is made immune or resistant to a disease by administration of a vaccine. it is also a tool for controlling and eliminating life-threatening diseases.
ability of the body to tolerate & eliminate foreign material.
(two basic mechanism of immunity)
- own’s immune system. lasts for many years, often lifetime.
active immunity
(two basic mechanism of immunity)
- produced by an animal / human. injection.
passive immunity
(type of immunity)
- exposure
active natural
(type of immunity)
- antigens, attenuated, rotavirus, killed, weakened toxins
active artificial
(type of immunity)
- breastmilk (IgA)
- placenta (igG)
passive natural
(type of immunity)
- gamma globulin (6mos-1yr)
- antitoxin, antiserum, serum
passive artificial
helps the immune system to recognize and fight pathogens.
different types of vaccines
- Live-attenuated
- Inactivated
- Subunit
- Toxoid
(type of vaccine)
- harmless germ is still alive & can replicate that will draw attention from the immune system and create a response
live attenuated vaccine
(type of vaccine)
- germ that is dead & can’t replicate. booster shots are likely needed. adjuvants may be included.
inactivated vaccine
a molecule that is paired with a germ to cause greater immune response. useful in vaccines that has small concentrations, amounts, or immunogenicity.
(type of vaccine)
- piece of germ that causes strongest response can be used.
examples of live-attenuated vaccines
- bacteria : tuberculosis (BCG)
- virus : measles, rotavirus, yellow fever ( ORAL POLIO VACCINE )
examples of inactivated vaccines
- bacteria : whole-cell pertussis (wP)
- virus : inactivated polio vaccine (IPV)
example of sub-unit vaccine (PROTEIN-BASED)
- bacteria : acellular pertussis (aP)
- virus : hepatitis B (HepB)
example of sub-unit vaccine (POLYSACCHARIDE)
- pneumococcal, meningococcal, salmonella typhi
example of sub-unit vaccine (CONJUGATE)
- bacteria : haemophilius influenzae type b (HiB)
- pneumococcal (PCV-7, PCV-10, PCV-13)
example of toxoid vaccine
-bacteria : tetanus toxoid (TT)
- diphtheria toxoid
established on 1976. ensures that infants/children and mothers have access to routinely recommended infant/childhood vaccines.
Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI)
six vaccine preventable diseases that were initially included in EPI.
- TB
- Poliomyelitis
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Pertussis
- Measles
( PD NO. _____ )
- providing compulsory basic immunization for infants and children below 8 years old.
PD No. 996 of 1976
( R.A )
- provided for compulsory immunization against hepatitis B for infants and children below 8 yrs old.
- provided for hepatitis B immunization within 24 hrs after birth of babies of women with hepatitis B.
R.A 7846 of 1994
implementing a united nations goal on universal immunity by 1990, and designating wednesdays as immunization day.
Presidential Proclamation No. 6 of 1996
- mandates basic immunization covering the vaccine-preventable diseases
R.A 10152 ( Mandatory Infants and Children Health Immunization Act of 2011)