Immunity Flashcards
What is the ideal environment for a pathogen and why?
For a pathogen—a bacterium, fungus, virus, or other disease-causing agent—the internal environment of an animal is a nearly ideal habitat. The animal body offers a ready source of nutrients, a protected setting for growth and reproduction, and a means of transport to new environments
What is the immune system?.
From the perspective of a cold or flu virus, we are wonderful hosts. From our vantage point, the situation is not so ideal. Fortunately, adaptations have arisen over the course of evolution that protect animals against many invaders. Dedicated immune cells in the body fluids and tissues of most animals specifically interact with and destroy pathogens. For example, Figure 35.1 shows an immune cell called a macrophage (brown) surrounding and engulfing a clump of bacteria (green). Immune cells also release defense molecules into body fluids, including proteins that punch holes in bacterial membranes or block viruses from entering body cells. Together, the body’s defenses make up the immune system, which enables an animal to avoid or limit many infections. A foreign molecule or cell doesn’t have to be pathogenic (disease-causing) to elicit an immune response, but we’ll focus in this chapter on the immune system’s role in defending against pathogens.
What is the first line of defense of the immune system?
The first lines of defense offered by immune systems help prevent pathogens from gaining entrance to the body. For example, an outer covering, such as a shell or skin, blocks entry by many microbes. Sealing off the entire body surface is impossible, however, because gas exchange, nutrition, and reproduction require openings to the environment. Secretions that trap or kill microbes guard the body’s entrances and exits, while the linings of the digestive tract, airway, and other exchange surfaces provide additional barriers to infection.
What is the primary function of the immune system once the pathogen has breached barrier defenses? How does it do that?
If a pathogen breaches barrier defenses and enters the body, the problem of how to fend off attack changes substantially. Housed within body fluids and tissues, the invader is no longer an outsider. To fight infections, an animal’s immune system must detect foreign particles and cells within the body. In other words, a properly functioning immune system distinguishes nonself from self. How is this accomplished? Immune cells produce receptor molecules that bind specifically to molecules from foreign cells or viruses and activate defense responses. The specific binding of immune receptors to foreign molecules is a type of molecular recognition and is the central event in identifying nonself particles and cells.
What are the two major components of molecular recognition and defense?
Animal immune systems rely on either one or two major components for molecular recognition and defense. All animals have the component called innate immunity, which includes barrier defenses. Besides innate immunity, an additional component, called adaptive immunity, is found only in vertebrates. Figure 35.2 provides an overview of the basic components of both innate and adaptive immunity.
What is innate immunity?
Molecular recognition in innate immunity relies on a small set of receptors that bind to molecules or structures that are absent from animal bodies but common to a group of viruses, bacteria, or other microbes. Binding of an innate immune receptor to a foreign molecule activates internal defenses, enabling responses to a very broad range of pathogens.
What is adaptive immunity?
In adaptive immunity, molecular recognition relies on a vast arsenal of receptors, each of which recognizes a feature typically found only on a particular part of a particular molecule in a particular pathogen. As a result, recognition and response in adaptive immunity occur with tremendous specificity.
The adaptive immune response, also known as the acquired immune response, is activated after the innate immune response and develops more slowly. The names adaptive and acquired reflect the fact that this immune response is enhanced by previous exposure to the infecting pathogen. Examples of adaptive responses include the synthesis of proteins that inactivate a bacterial toxin and the targeted killing of a virus-infected body cell.
Which type of immunity do vertebrates have?
In innate immunity, recognition and response rely on traits common to groups of pathogens Innate immunity is found in all animals (as well as in plants). In exploring innate immunity, we’ll begin with invertebrates, which repel and fight infection with only this type of immunity. We’ll then turn to vertebrates, in which innate immunity serves both as an immediate defense against infection and as the foundation for adaptive immune defenses.
Which enzyme acts as a chemical barrier against pathogens ingested with food and how does it work? Which immune response is it part of?
Innate Immunity of Invertebrates The great success of insects in terrestrial and freshwater habitats teeming with diverse microbes highlights the effectiveness of invertebrate innate immunity. In each of these environments, insects rely on their exoskeleton as a first line of defense against infection. Within the digestive system, lysozyme, an enzyme that breaks down bacterial cell walls, acts as a chemical barrier against pathogens ingested with food.
What immune defenses are found by a pathogen that breaches an insect’s barrier defenses?
Any pathogen that breaches an insect’s barrier defenses encounters a number of internal immune defenses. Immune cells called hemocytes travel throughout the body in the hemolymph, the insect circulatory fluid. Some hemocytes ingest and break down bacteria and other foreign substances, a process known as phagocytosis (Figure 35.3). Other hemocytes release chemicals that kill pathogens and help entrap large invaders, such as Plasmodium, the parasite of mosquitoes that causes malaria in humans. One major class of defense molecules consists of antimicrobial peptides, which circulate throughout the body and inactivate or kill fungi and bacteria by disrupting their plasma membranes.
Explain the immune system identification process of insects.
Immune cells of insects bind to molecules found only in the outer layers of fungi or bacteria. Fungal cell walls contain certain unique polysaccharides, whereas bacterial cell walls have polymers containing combinations of sugars and amino acids not found in animal cells. Such macromolecules serve as “identity tags” in the process of pathogen recognition. Insect immune cells secrete recognition proteins, each of which binds to a macromolecule characteristic of a broad class of bacteria or fungi. Once bound to a macromolecule, the recognition protein triggers an innate immune response specific for that class.
Which immune response(s) do jawed vertebrates have?
Innate Immunity of Vertebrates Among jawed vertebrates, innate immune defenses coexist with the more recently evolved system of adaptive immunity. Because most of the recent discoveries regarding vertebrate innate immunity have come from studies of mice and humans, we’ll focus here on mammals. We’ll consider first the innate defenses that are similar to those found among invertebrates: barrier defenses, phagocytosis, and antimicrobial peptides. We’ll then examine some unique aspects of vertebrate innate immunity, such as natural killer cells, interferons, and the inflammatory response.
What are some examples of barrier defenses in mammals? (immune system)
Barrier Defenses In mammals, barrier defenses block the entry of many pathogens. These defenses include the skin and the mucous membranes lining the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts. The mucous membranes produce mucus, a viscous fluid that traps microbes and other particles. In the airway, ciliated epithelial cells sweep mucus and any entrapped microbes upward, helping prevent infection of the lungs.
Which enzyme is important to the immune system’s barrier in mammals? What other chemical responses are there?
Beyond their physical role in inhibiting microbial entry, body secretions create an environment that is hostile to many microbes. Lysozyme in tears, saliva, and mucous secretions destroys the cell walls of susceptible bacteria as they enter the openings around the eyes or the upper respiratory tract. Microbes in food or water and those in swallowed mucus must also contend with the acidic environment of the stomach, which kills most of them before they can enter the intestines. Similarly, secretions from oil and sweat glands give human skin a pH ranging from 3 to 5, acidic enough to prevent the growth of many bacteria.
How do phagocytic cells detect fungal or bacterial components? What do phagocytic cells to start the response once a pathogen enters the mammalian body?
Cellular Innate Defenses Pathogens entering the mammalian body are engulfed by phagocytic cells that detect fungal or bacterial components using several types of receptors. Some mammalian receptors are very similar to Toll, a key activator of innate immunity in insects.
How does a TLC receptor work? What does it do?
Each mammalian Toll-like receptor (TLR) binds to fragments of molecules characteristic of a set of pathogens (Figure 35.4). For example, TLR3 binds to double-stranded RNA, a form of nucleic acid characteristic of certain viruses. Similarly, TLR4 recognizes lipopolysaccharide, a molecule found on the surface of many bacteria, and TLR5 recognizes flagellin, the main protein of bacterial flagella. In each case, the recognized macromolecule is normally absent from the vertebrate body and is an essential component of certain groups of pathogens.
What does the detection of invading pathogen trigger in mammals?
As in invertebrates, detection of invading pathogens in mammals triggers phagocytosis and destruction.
What are the two main types of phagocytic cells in the mammalian body?
The two main types of phagocytic cells in the mammalian body are neutrophils and macrophages.
What are neutrophils?
Neutrophils, which circulate in the blood, are attracted by signals from infected tissues.
What are macrophages?
Macrophages (“big eaters”) are larger phagocytic cells. Some migrate throughout the body, whereas others reside in organs and tissues where they are likely to encounter pathogens. For example, some macrophages are located in the spleen, where pathogens in the blood become trapped.
What are the two secondary types of phagocytic cells in the mammalian immune response? What do they do?
Two other types of cells—dendritic cells and eosinophils— provide additional functions in innate defense. Dendritic cells mainly populate tissues, such as skin, that contact the environment.
They stimulate adaptive immunity against pathogens they encounter and engulf, as we’ll explore shortly. Eosinophils, often found beneath mucous membranes, are important in defending against multicellular invaders, such as parasitic worms. Upon encountering such parasites, eosinophils discharge destructive enzymes.
What are natural killer cells? What do they do?
Cellular innate defenses in vertebrates also involve natural killer cells. These cells circulate through the body and detect the abnormal array of surface proteins characteristic of some virus-infected and cancerous cells. Natural killer cells do not engulf stricken cells. Instead, they release chemicals that lead to cell death, inhibiting further spread of the virus or cancer.
How is the lymphatic system involved in cellular innate defenses in vertebrates?
Many cellular innate defenses in vertebrates involve the lymphatic system (see Figure 34.12). Some macrophages reside in lymph nodes, where they engulf pathogens that have entered the lymph from the interstitial fluid. Dendritic cells reside outside the lymphatic system but migrate to the lymph nodes after interacting with pathogens. Within the lymph nodes, dendritic cells interact with other immune cells, stimulating adaptive immunity.
How are peptides and proteins involved in the immune system?
Antimicrobial Peptides and Proteins In mammals, pathogen recognition triggers the production and release of a variety of peptides and proteins that attack pathogens or impede their reproduction. Some of these defense molecules function like the antimicrobial peptides of insects, damaging broad groups of pathogens by disrupting membrane integrity. Others, including the interferons and complement proteins, are unique to vertebrate immune systems.
What are interferons? What do they do? Where do they come from?
Interferons are proteins that provide innate defense by interfering with viral infections. Virus-infected body cells secrete interferons, which induce nearby uninfected cells to produce substances that inhibit viral reproduction. In this way, interferons limit the cell-to-cell spread of viruses in the body, helping control viral infections such as colds and influenza.
Some white blood cells secrete a different type of interferon that helps activate macrophages, enhancing their phagocytic ability. Pharmaceutical companies now use recombinant DNA technology to mass-produce interferons to help treat certain viral infections, such as hepatitis C.
What is the infection-fighting complement system?
The infection-fighting complement system consists of roughly 30 proteins in blood plasma. These proteins circulate in an inactive state and are activated by substances on the surface of many microbes. Activation results in a cascade of biochemical reactions that can lead to lysis (bursting) of invading cells. The complement system also functions in the inflammatory response, our next topic, as well as in the adaptive defenses discussed later in the chapter.
What is the inflammatory response? What s the most important inflammatory signaling molecule and how does it work?
Inflammatory Response The pain and swelling that alert you to a splinter under your skin are the result of a local inflammatory response, the changes brought about by signaling molecules released upon injury or infection (Figure 35.5). One important inflammatory signaling molecule is histamine, which is stored in the granules (vesicles) of mast cells, found in connective tissue. Histamine released at sites of damage triggers nearby blood vessels to dilate and become more permeable. Activated macrophages and neutrophils discharge cytokines, signaling molecules that in an immune response promote blood flow to the site of injury or infection. The increase in local blood supply causes the redness and increased skin temperature typical of the inflammatory response (from the Latin inflammare, to set on fire). Blood-engorged capillaries leak fluid into neighboring tissues, causing swelling.
Describe cycles of signaling and response during inflammation.
During inflammation, cycles of signaling and response transform the site. Activated complement proteins promote further release of histamine, attracting more phagocytic cells that enter injured tissues (see Figure 35.5) and carry out additional phagocytosis. At the same time, enhanced blood flow to the site helps deliver antimicrobial peptides. The result is an accumulation of pus, a fluid rich in white blood cells, dead pathogens, and cell debris from damaged tissue.
What is a systemic inflammatory response? How is it different than a local inflammatory response?
A minor injury or infection causes a local inflammatory response, but severe tissue damage or infection may lead to a response that is systemic (throughout the body). Cells in injured or infected tissue often secrete molecules that stimulate the release of additional neutrophils from the bone marrow. In a severe infection, such as meningitis or appendicitis, the number of white blood cells in the blood may increase several-fold within a few hours.