Immune System (Ch7) Glossary Flashcards
Active Immunity
Immunity produced by the body manufactoring antibodies against a foreign antigen
The clumping together of micro-organisms or cells
A chemical able to inhibit the growth of, or kill, micro-organisms (i.e. bacteria)
A substance produced in responce to a specific antigen, combines with antigen to destory it.
Antibody-Meditated immunity / Humoral Responce
A responce trigged by foreign substances or micro-organisms entering the body, Involes B cells and productio nof Anitobides.
Any substnace capable of causing the formation of antibodies when introduced into the tissues
Antigen-Antibody Complex
A compound formed when an antibody combines with an antigen
Antigen-Presenting Cells
Phagocytic cells that digest pathogens and present the antigen to Lymphocytes, include dendritic cells and macrophages
Antriviral Drug
A drug used for the treatment of viral infections
Artifical immunity
Immunity produced by giving a person an intigen, triggers the immune responce, or giving them antibodies.
Describe micro-organisms that have been reduced in virulence
Bacteria / Bacterium (Singular)
Unicellular, prokaryotic organisms with a cell wall but no membrane - bound organelles and organised nucleus
Bactericidal antibiotic
A drug used to teat bacterial infections by killing the bacteria
A virus that infects bacteria
Bacteriostatic antibiotic
A drug used to teat bacterial infections, does not kill but stops reproduction
B- Cell
A type of lymphocyte that develops into either a plasma cell or produces antibodies or a memory cell
Broad-Spectrium antibiotic
An antibiotic that affects many typeso f bacteria
Cell-Meditated responce / Cellular Immunity.
The part of the immune responce in which T-Cells attach to antigen to destroy them.
Ear wax, secreted by special glands near the opening of ear canal.
Cilia / Cilium (Singular)
Hair like projections from a cell, they beat rhythmically to move material across a tissue surface
A group of cells with the same genetic characteristcs
Communicable disease / Infections disease/ transmissible disease
A disease passed from one person to another by infection with micro organisms
Complement System
A system of protiens produced by the liver that enhance the activity of antibodies and phagocytes
A disease passed on by direct human contanct
Small protein that are released in response to antigens and act as messengers in the immune response.
Cytotoxic T-cells - killer T cell
A type of t lymphocyte able to kill cells that are damaged or infected with viruses or bacteria
Dendritic cell
An antigen-presenting cell.
Named due to the branch-like extensions from the cytoplasm.
An elevation of body temperature above the normal level of 37 degrees
Helper T-cell
A type of T-cell that, among other things, enhances antibody production by B - cells.
A substance that helps to prevent blood clotting.
Herd Immunity
A type of group immunity that occurs when such a high proportion of people in a population are immunized that those who are not immune are protected.
A substance released in response to injury to cells.
It results in an increase in blood flow.
Humoral response
A response triggered by foreign substances or micro-organisms entering the body, involving B-cells and the production of antibodies,
also known as antibody-mediated immunity