Immune system Flashcards
specific defense mechanism of the immune system
humoral immunity-producing antibodies
Nonself entities
- originate from b cells
- reconize and bind to antigens and trigger the immune system to remove them
- they either get leukocytes to phagocytize the antigen or cause the antibodies to clump up and be removed by phagocytic cells
Active immunity
- production of antibodies during an immune response
- can be concurred by vaccination
Passive immunity
- involves the transfer of antibodies produced by another individual
- acquires passively or by injection
Cell-mediated immunity
-uses antigen-specific T lymphocytes to mediate attacks against foreign material
Non-specific defense mechanisms
- Skin- physical barrier. It also secretes sweat
- Passages lined with mucouscoated epithelia. Act as a filter and trap foreign particles
- Macrophages- engulf and destroy foreign particles
- Inflammatory response accompanied by a fever
Two major groups of red blood cell antigens
I1. ABO group
2. Rh factor
Bloodtype A
Antigen on rbc: A
Antibodies produced: antiB
Bloodtype B
Antigen on rbc: B
Antibodies produced: anti-a
Bloodtype AB
Antigen on rbc: A and B
Antibodies produced: none
Universal recipient
Bloodtype O
Antigen on rbc: none
Antibodies produced: antiA and antiB
Universal donor
Rh factor
-another antigen that may be present on rbc
Rh positive
-posess the Rh antigen
Rh negative
-lack the Rh antigen
Rh is important in pregnancies
-an Rh negative woman can have an Rh positive fetus
-if she carries another Rh positive fetus the anti-Rh antibodies made
Previously attack it resulting in anemia called erythroblastosis