IMMP2 march 18 Flashcards
Q.14 A 25-year-old gentleman developed persistent anxiety, irritability, haddifficulty sleeping, poor concentration, three months after witnessing aterrorist attack in Peshawar. He has flashbacks of the event along withrecurrent depressive themesa) What is the neurobiological basis of this disorder?b) What are the predisposing factors?What is the difference between acute stress reaction and acute stressdisorder?
Q.15 A 27-year-old male patient is brought to the emergency department. He isagitated, loud, yelling about being God, says he is the President ofPakistan and he is going to kill who so ever touches him. He refuses to talkto you ‘You are the devil, I will kill you’, refuses blood tests and refusesmedications. He says ‘Let me go right now or there will be bloodsheda) Enlist three steps in immediate management of this patient.b) What lab tests would you like to order (if any)?Enumerate the medications you want to use in the emergency?
0.16 A 29-year-old lady presents to the emergency department 10 days after thebirth of her 3d child. She is agitated, has not slept in 3 days, says ‘the babyis the devil and is trying to kill me. She has to be sedated in theEmergency Department because of extreme agitation. The family says shehas no history of psychiatric illness.ay What is your diagnosis?b List three interventions that you can use as first line treatment.What is the most potential risk at this stage of her illness?