2015 April Flashcards
Parents have brought their 8 years old child with two year mischievous behavior, but gradually it came into notice that child’s acts were more than ordinary mischief: telling lies, killing animals and setting fire stealing household items fighting with other outbursts, killing animals, setting fire.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) What environmental factors could have caused this condition
c) How would you manage this case?
d) Mention the factors that will predict the prognosis of this case.
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3, 4,-methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA (ecstasy), is known for MDMA teretasy) is known for its therapeutic as well as abuse potential. What is the mechanism of action that forms the basis of its use as well as abuse? List the potential therapeutic uses of this drug in medicine with references.
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12 A young 32 year married male presents with feeling of sexual inadequacy. He was married a year ago but has been unable to consummate his marriage on account of his inability to sustain erection.a) What key areas will you cover in history and examination?
b) What psychometric tests can be employed for his assessment?
c) What psychological interventions will you offer to this patient?
d) What medication may improve his symptom and what is its mechanism
of action
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A fashion designer presents with clouding of consciousness, disorientation, marked tremors and vivid hallucinations. On examination, he has congested eyes, fluctuating blood pressure and an enlarged liver.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Enlist psychometric instruments that can be used to assess his condition.
c) How will you manage this case?
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A young female presented in the OPD with amenorrhea, excessive weight loss and episodes of severe vomiting. On examination she has a BP of 90/60 mmHg, bradycardia and scar marks on the back of her fingers. She has a BMI of 15.
What is the most likely diagnosis and differential diagnosis? What will be the contents of an informational care session for family regarding the causes, nature and contributing factors of this illness? What will be her prognosis
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A 29 year old primigravida is referred to you from GynObs Unit. She was admitted through OPD yesterday with complaints over activity, undressing in public, raising slogans and singing songs for the past 10 days. She was also having lower back pain but no risk to pregnancy was found on obstetric workup. She pregnant and there is no previous psychiatric history.a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you manage this case in terms of acute treatment
c) How will you modify the treatment plan in the puerperal period?
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A 25 year old man has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia an on Tab Haloperidol 20 mg /day. In his follow up visit after patient has difficulty to rest at one place. The psychiatrist restlessness and constant crossing/ uncrossing of legs.
a) What is most likely diagnosis?
b) Which psychometric scale will you apply to rate this phenomena
c) How will you manage this condition?
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A 35 years old lady presented to you with 5 years history of gener anxiety disorder for the review of her treatment plan. According to be has used several treatments including tricyclics, SSRIs, trifluperazine benzodiazepines for a long time with no sustained effect. For la months she is not taking any treatment and is doing yoga and med but her anxiety features are not under control and have now stat “interfere with her social and occupational life.
a) Identify two pharmacological options with minimal or nomad potential that she can be offered.
these drugs.
b) List the common side effects, doses and mechanism of action
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Last December a private school’s children became victim of a brutal terrorist attack. You have been asked to organised mental health support for the school.
a) What will be the key principles of your program in the short run?b) Outline psychosocial interventions appropriate in early phase and late phase of your plan.
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A 33 years old truck driver reported to the hospital with history of fever, body aches and weakness. Detailed history reveals that he had been using alcohol and cannabis for the past 12 years. He further disclosed that he had been having frequent sexual contacts with female commercial sex workers. He never used condom while having sexual intercourse and has been treated 4 times in the past for yellowish discharge from the urethra. On lab investigations he is found to be HIV positive.
a) What are the psychological reactions that you expect in the patient following the diagnosis of AIDS?
b) Enumerate the neuro-psychiatric sequel that this patient may go through.
c) List the key areas that you would cover in your interaction with the family of the patient.
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A 28 year old male patient is admitted in psychiatry ward with complaints of eating insects, wearing bangles, having stitched skin of his forearms, believing that this could strengthen him. He occasionally wears female dresses. These complaints began 8 years back after he had a severe accident while driving in which he remained unconscious for half a day. There is no previous history of any psychiatric illness.
a) Make a list of differential diagnosis?
b) What are the points in the favor of your first differential diagnosis?
c) How would you manage this case?
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