2010 september Flashcards
There is an ongoing debate on the organic basis of schizophrenia. You are asked to deliver a scientific talk about the functional abnormalities in schizophrenia. What important components would you include?
Q1. There is an ongoing debate on the organic basis of schizophrenia. You are asked to deliver a scientific talk on functional brain abnormalities of schizophrenia.
What important components would you include in your presentation?
A 25-year-old male with family history. of major depressive disorder reports to you with symptoms of low self-esteem, low confidence, and poor Functionality. All these symptoms are at a sub-threshold level and ongoing for over a period of 3-4 years. a) What is your main diagnosis? b) What are the risk factors? What is the treatment of such a condition?
Q.2 A 25 years old male with a family history of major depressive disorder! not to you with symptoms of low self-esteem, low confidence, and poor functionality. All these symptoms are at a sub-threshold level and ongoing for over a period of 3-4 years.
What is your main diagnosis?
What are the risk factors?
What is the treatment of such a condition?
A depressed female reports in the medical OPD with complaints of backache that was fully investigated and no organic pathology was found. a) What can be the most probable diagnosis? b) What are other comorbidities associated with the condition? c) What important differentials should be kept in mind? d) How to asses and treat such a patient?
work on it
A cardiologist referred you a case of a young man, labeling him with a diagnosis of “Anxiety Neurosis”. Based on the standardized diagnostic classification, what pertinent questions would you ask and order investigation accordingly? a) Name and categorize personality disorder in clusters. b) How you will educate a person and his family about personality disorder?
work on it
You are asked to deliver a lecture to medical students about antidepressant response What factors will keep in mind while preparing for this presentation
A mother brings her bright child on the recommendation of school tea he is recently showing poor academic performance. There is fearfulness on examination of this case. and a) What would be your probable diagnosis? b) What signs and symptoms you will check to confirm your diagnosis?
A boy of 13 years age is brought to you by his father with over a year history of argumentativeness, deliberately annoying people, irritability and vindictive nature. a) What is the most probable diagnosis? b) What are the essential features of this disorder? c) How would you clarify the parent-child interaction with his family?
In a meeting of physicians, you are requested to deliver a lecture on different clinical syndromes, of dementia, general management, and principles of dementia. What will be your content of the presentation?
What is informed consent? b) What 5 areas of informed consent should be covered considering the literacy level of Pakistan?
A 65 years old retired civil servant is admitted to your ward after being brought by his wife with a history of failing memory for the last six months. a) Name six laboratory and three radiological investigations that you would undertake in this case. What changes in these tests would suggest a b) List four psychometric tests that you would request to rule out organicity in this case.
A 25 years old man was arrested while attempting to rob a shop. This man carries a diagnosis of bipolar disorder for the last 2-3 years. You have been asked by the court to do a psychiatric assessment of this man What issues you will keep in mind while preparing a report?
a) What do you know about the epidemiology of various eating disorders? b) What are the physical manifestations among them?
A 25 year old female diagnosed as a case of bipolar affective disorder in on lithium What points you will keep in mind while emphasizing prophylactic treatment?
a) Which psychotropic medications cause hepatic enzyme induction and what is the consequence of that? b) Which psychotropics cause inhibition of the cytochrome P450 system? c) How are the blood levels of Fluoxetine and imipramine affected by their simultaneous administration and how will you make used in combination?
A 40 years old man attends your outpatient carrying his CT scan brain which is suggestive of space-occupying lesions in the parietal lobe. a) What clinical signs would you look for while examining this patient? b) How would you elicit those signs?