Image Quality QUIZ Flashcards
Which situation causes a generalized foggy image in digital radiography?
a. All choices
b. Under exposure of a digital image
c. Scatter radiation (i.e. storing unexposed cassettes in x-ray room)
d. Allowing CR cassette to sit for 3 days before processing
All choices
T/F: Regarding Object-Film Distance, the closer the object is to the film, the sharper the image.
T/F: Generally, when radiographing live animals, the longer the exposure time, the better the image detail!
False. Longer exposure can allow time for the patient to move, which is likely to happen in vet med!
T/F: To prevent distortion in the image, the object (body region of interest) must be as parallel to the film as possible.
List all items that are legally required in the labeling of a radiographic image.
Owner name
DVM or clinic
Animal species
The date image was taken