Image/film quality - 11 and 13 Flashcards
What is the difference between using a double vs a single emulsion film?
Single - better resolution, slower
Double emulsion - two emulsions on either side of the film. Will have 2 images superimposed with each other –> decreased resolution, more crossover, faster speed, double the density
What is crossover?
A double emulsion film would ideally only be exposed to light from the intensifying screen adjacent to the emulsion.
The emulsion is not super efficient at absorbing light photons, so some photons will pass through to the emulsion on the other side of the base
This leads to light diffusion since it is traveling a farther distance
How is crossover reduced?
Adding a light absorbing dye to the emulsion that helps absorb x-ray exposure
Matching screen emission to the silver halide light sensitivity (most common way)
Tabular grains that increase surface area
What does H&D stand for?
Hurter and Driffield
Briefly - what is an H&D curve?
Predicts response of film to an exposure
What is on the y and x axis of an H&D curve?
X-axis: log relative exposure
Y-axis: density
What is transmittance?
T = I / Io I = intensity of light that passes through a film I = intensity measured without a film
What is the optical density? How is it measured?
Logarithmic function of the inverse of transmittance:
Log Io / I
What is the lowest OD possible?
Base + fog
There is always a background fog due to the presence of dye within the emulsion, and due to exposure of the film to natural background radiation
Usually around 0.13-0.18
What should base + fog NOT exceed?
What are the difference sections of an H&D curve?
Toe - areas of low exposure
Shoulder - areas of high exposure
Slope of the curve = contrast
What is the gamma of the H&D curve?
Why is this important?
The maximum slope
It’s not really important
What is the average gradient of an H&D curve?
This is the overall contrast of a given type of radiographic film
How is average gradient calculated?
It’s a slope between two points
Lower point: OD = 0.25 + base fog (0.13)
Higher point = 2 + base fog (0.13)
X-axis: log relative exposures at the optical density levels
(ODhigh - ODlow) / (log Ehigh - log Elow)
What is the average gradient of most films?