Imact of Euopan expansion Flashcards
colonical power timeline
16th century: Spain and Portugal
17th century: Dutch
18th Century: British and French
Native American civlization
disease (hurtful to popualtion), anicent social and political structures replaced by Euroepan structure
slave trade cancel out population (no decline), territories in West Africa grow (at war with each other, trade slaves for guns), porguese had little impact, dutch had persuasive control
latin america
multiracial (mestizos and mulatto and white and africas and native indians), spain and portugese settlers use female natives for sexual pleasures and married
Eruopean and native Amerian indians
African and white
Eruopean presence
brought horeses and cattle and maize (led to large estates), new crops new plants
wantedto christanized native popele, taught indians and the conquered (control lives, ensured them to e obident members, benefit missionaries), contributions to society (hospital, scholls, nunneries), nunneries (run schools and hostpials)
Sor Juannalnes de Cruz
literary figure, poetry, promot education of women, jesuits
jesuits in Japan
nobles converted then people converted , Jesuits and Spanish destroyed temples and idols and infered with politics (bad reaction)
Jesuits in China
impressed Chinese and more open to Western ideas and encouraged Chrisianity, (made it easier: Matteo Ricci, Chrisianity with Confusion similiaries, allowed Chiense to honor ancestors), pope condem practice (chinese authroity end their activies)
matteo Ricci
Chrisnaity and Confusion similiarites to persudae them
The conquered
- men (want land estates) women (opporuntity for marriage) 2. Eruopeans (want silver and gold, value of it rose, led to price revoltuion) 3. columbia exchange (maze, reciprocial importation and exportation of plants and animals, potate) 4. brought diseas (small pox, typhus, miseasle) 5. life style (chocolate, disre for furnitrue and porclein) 6. competition incease 7. maps (new maps and map projections, represent round surface on paper) 8. physicolap impact (natives were seen as fit for labor, believed they and Chrisianity were superior)
popular in Eruope, dietary sample, imporvement of nutriion and increase in population
Gerard Mercator
map projection, tries to show the shape of landmases, but limit to one area, not entirely accurate
World ecnomomy timeline
Middle Ages: commerical revolution
14th century: economy declined
15th century: discovery of outside wrold, burst of commerical activity, start of world market
16th century: inflation, ecnomic prosperity and expansion, flourishing trade, joint-stock compay, PRICE REVOLTUION
17th century: family banking firms no longer able to supply servies needed for commerical captilism , merchantilism, adventure in international commerce
price revoltuion
Eruope, 16th century, inflation noticeable (wheat)
effects of inflation
wage earners (wages increased), aristoacts (managed to prosper), enterpreanters (benefit because of rising prices, expanding markets, cheapter labor costs) goverment (affected and borrowed money from banekrs and put taxes and people not happy)
different belief on how rises started
1560s: associate incease in prices with influx of metals from New world, accepted for long time
NOW: people believe increase in population then price rising
what trade depended on
mediteramane, low countries, blatic and norther euope then altantic seaboard (link trading areas and Eruope, integerated market) TRADE EXPANDED
monopoliazed Eruope and worldtrade, challenged by English and French
joint stock company
individuals brought shares in compnay and got amount, board of directors: run company and make importnat business decsisions, made it easier to riase large amounts of captital for world trading ventures
commerical captilism
grew (trade expansion, join stock company, no more family banking firms, jacbo Fugger, mining company), but depended on agrictulral system
jacob fugger
given monopoly over silver and copper and mines in Hapsburg possesion and central Europe after arranging large loan to Chalres V, defaulted loans led to bankruptty
mining industry
made enmroous proftis wehre technology innovated proved successful (tied with family banking firms)
bank of amberstand
desposit and trasfter insitution
Amsterdam Bourge/ exchange
trading of Stocks replaced exchange of goods, center of european buesinness
depend on agricutlural system
peasnts saw no improvement as they faced increased fees, rents,and higher prices, less serfdom, peasnsts worked the land
propersity of nation depend on plentiful supply of gold and silver (balance of trade = good s exported greater than goods importred) governemnt (simtulate and portect export indsutires, focused on role of state (need governemtn to put regulations to ensure superitority of exports )
encourage export
simtulate and portect export indsutires and trade (grant trade monopolies), encoruage investment in new industreies, imposed taxes (goods kept out of country and no competition)
overseas trade and colonies
local economy government dominated even though world economy was developing, value of goods (made across ocean trade rewarding, products purchased by Eruoepans imported)
trade in eruope
strong, trade increased slightly while overase trade boomed,
incease in oversea trade
led some historians to beleive the emergence of truly global economy