Illness script - week 2 Flashcards
Peripheral vascular disease
Describes a variety of conditions affecting the _____, _____, _____ and _____ in areas such as the _____, _____, and _____
Peripheral vascular disease
Describes a variety of conditions affecting the aorta, arteries, veins and lymphatics in areas such as the neck, abdomen and extremities
Arterial wall
1) _____: single layer of endothelial cells
2) _____: Elastin, collagen and muscular layer
3) _____: collagen layer
Arterial wall
1) Intima: single layer of endothelial cells
2) Media: Elastin, collagen and muscular layer
3) Adventitia: collagen later
Abnormal _____ or _____ in the wall of a blood vessel such as an _____
Abnormal swelling or bulge in the wall of a blood vessel such as an artery
Arterial disease
_____ condition in which a narrowed blood vessel reduces blood flow to the _____
Arterial disease
Circulatory condition in which a narrowed blood vessel reduces blood flow to the limbs
A blood _____ that forms in a blood vessel and _____ there
A blood clot that forms in a blood vessel and remains there
True aneurysm
Involves all 3 layers of the _____ wall
E.g. _____ disease and _____
True aneurysm
Involves all 3 layers of the arterial wall
E.g. Marfan’s disease and atherosclerosis
False aneurysm
Not an aneurysm but a _____ _____ which has developed from a disruption to __-__ layers of the arterial wall
False aneurysm
Not an aneurysm but a pulsatile haematoma which has developed from a disruption to 1-2 layers of the arterial wall
Atherosclerotic aneurysm
Commonly affects the _____ _____ below the _____ _____
Atherosclerotic aneurysm
Common affects the abdominal aorta below renal arteries
_____ shaped, circumference of artery, usually the _____ _____ _____ (AAA)
Spindle shaped, circumference of artery, usually the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
_____ out to _____ side
Ballooning out to one side
Medical management of Aneurysms
1) IV cannula
2) _____ cross match, _____, _____, _____ and _____
3) Oxygen
4) _____ (ECG)
5) _____ catheter
Medical management of Aneurysms
1) IV cannula
2) Blood cross match, haemoglobin, coagulation, electrolytes and creatine
3) Oxygen
4) Electrocardiograph (ECG)
5) Urinary catheter
Surgical intervention of Aneurysms
Incision in the mid line of the _____ and along the _____ length, a _____ is inserted to the un-involved proximal and distal ends of the _____, the wall is closed to prevent the _____ making direct contact with the _____
Surgical intervention of Aneurysms
Incision in the mid line of the abdominal and along the aneurysm length, a graft is inserted to the un-involved proximal and distal ends of the aorta, the wall is closed to prevent the graft making direct contact with the duodenum
Complications of Aneurysm surgery
1) Arrythmias
2) _____ _____ _____ (AMI)
3) Pulmonary _____
4) _____ and _____ failure
5) Haemorrhage
6) Graft _____
7) _____ _____ and _____ ischaemia
8) Infection
Complications of Aneurysm surgery
1) Arrythmias
2) Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
3) Pulmonary oedema
4) Renal and respiratory failure
5) Haemorrhage
6) Graft occlusion
7) Spinal cord and mesenteric ischaemia
8) Infection
Peripheral arterial occulsive diesease
Acute caused by _____ which is a _____ from the heart of aneurysm, aggregate of fat which is commonly found in the _____ or _____
Peripheral arterial occulsive disease
Acute caused by emboli which is a thrombus from the heart or aneurysm which is aggregate of fat commonly found in the lungs or brains
Vascular trauma
Can be caused from a _____ _____ accident, _____ wound, _____ instruments, _____ injuries and _____
Vascular trauma
Can be caused from a motor vehicle accident, gunshot wound, sharp instruments, crush injuries and fractures