Ihs Space Flashcards
What is the Gamma ray color and type
atomic nuclei and purple
what is the x ray color and type
atoms and color
what is the ultraviolet color and type
purple and molecules
microwave color and type
humans and red
radaition alpha can go through what?
radaition beta can go through what?
radaition gamma can go through what?
paper and aluminiom foil
radaition x-ray can go through what?
paper and alumniom foil
radaition netruon can go through what?
paper, alumnion foil and lead
radaition neutrions can go through what?
First law of Kirchoffs law is what
When something hot like a gas or a liquid it emits raditation which then causes continuos spectrum which has all wavelengths
Second law of Kirchoffs is what
when a hot gas emits radiation this will cause it to produce and emission line spectrum which shows colored lights
third law of kirchoff is
a thin cold gas in front of a hot gas will cause show absorption line spectrum
What is continuos spectrum
Spectrum that contains all knowlengths by a hot dense source
What is emission spectrum
Show colored lines of light emitted by glowing
What is absorption spectrum
Show dark lines or gaps in light after the the light passes through the gas
What is a nebula
Our solar began a vast cloud of gas and dust
What is the prostar Ignintion
The center of the disk heated up, eventually igniting into our Sun.
What are the sunspots
they are dark areas in the sun
What are the faculae
They are bright areas int he sun
what is the solar cycle
The change of faculae and sunspots
What are solar flares
This realeases a lot of raditation in the air
What are asteriods
Rocky and metaillic objects mostly conctreated in the asteriod belt
what are comets
icy bodies often with a long tail that orbit the sun
what are metoriods
small fragments of ice and dust