Ifista Company Officer 4th Ed. Flashcards
NFPA 1021
Standard for fire officer Professional qualification (2014)
. JPRs for Level 1 and 2 fire officer.
As having an uninterrupted series of steps or chain of command.
Decisions made by one person at lower levels?
What can be destructive to organization unity and cohesiveness.
Side stepping.
Two types of decision making models.
Centralized and Decentralized
Decisions are made by one person at the top of the structure.
. Works well for small organizations.
What organization structure is considered Scalar structure?
Chain of Command.
Unity of Command states ?
Each subordinate must have one supervisor or boss.
Bypassing the chain of command.
Skip level notification.
Functional Supervision.
Principle that allows workers to report to more than one supervisor.
Emergency Management Assistant Compact. (EMAC)
. US Congress created in 1996
. National disaster relief Compact.
Mutual Aid Box Alarm System. (MABAS)
. An agreement between fire and emergency response of Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin.
Command Presence Attributes.
Self Confidence Consistency Acceptance Trustworthy Responsibility Expertise.
Ethics: Three-Step Check
Step 1: Is it legal
Step 2: Is it fair to all concerned.
Step 3: How will it make me feel about myself.
Sometimes called moral philosophy.
Are the agreed -upon philosophical principles that define what is correct and proper behavior for the members of a society.
Simply choosing right from wrong.
Source of Personal ethics
Family, Religion, Peers, Education, Society.
Making decisions quickly and effectively.
The acronym “SMART”
Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely
How many elements are in Interpersonal Communications.
Five basic elements.
Four stage development model for building and effective team.
- Forming- initially uncertain of their roles in the group.
- Storming: conflict stage. Jockey for informal leadership.
- Norming : The group establishes and adheres to its own set of norms and values.
- Performing : Supervisor works to maintain team spirit as the group accomplishes its objectives. I
Adjourning: is the planned and sometimes unplanned termination of the group task.
5 stage born out of the studies of group dynamics and is taught in many leadership and college level courses.
Is a process of giving motivational direction, positive reinforcement, and constructive feedback to employees in order to maintain and improve their performance.
Is a formal process which assists participates in identifying and resolving personal, behavior, or career problems that are adversely affecting performance.
Is used to better prepare individuals for their roles and responsibilities within the organization under the direction of a positive role model.
Management Functions
What are the five- steps of a planning model.
1) Identify- identify problem.
2) Select- choose appropriate responses to the problem.
3) Design- determine the steps.
4) Implement
5) Evaluate - determine the effectiveness.
Nonverbal communication transmit what % of any message.
When delivering a message what % is body language.
Regarding communication what percent is vocal tone and inflection?
Only 7 percent of the transmitted message is actually?
Verbal communication
What are the aspects of the listening process?
Attending Understanding Remembering Evaluating Responding
Headings should be expressed in?
Parallel form.
Must follow the same grammatical pattern.
That headings will follow a consistent format and style.
Average paragraph length
75 to 125 words.
What are the six pieces of info when writing emails or memos?
Who, what, when, where, why, and how.
Four common parts of a letter.
Operational Planning “P” originated with who?
US Coast Guard based on the ICS system.
Four Criteria for it to be a hostile work environment?
Protected class, age, religion, disability, or race.
What is the law that protects against a hostile work environment.
Title Vll of the Civil act of 1964
Who’s responsibility is it to do formal performance evaluations per NFPA 1021
level 2 fire officer.
Five methods of resolving conflict
Avoiding Accommodating Forcing Negotiating Collaborating
Collaborating Method is focused on
The best interest of organization, community or service area.
How many distinct components are in a risk management plan.
What are the components of risk management plan.
Risk identification. Risk evaluation. Establishment of priorities for action. Risk Control Risk Management Monitoring.
The process of identifying and analyzing the exposure to hazards, selecting appropriate techniques to handle exposures, implementing chosen techniques, and monitoring the results of those techniques.
Risk Management.
What are the overall three distinct sections in a risk management plan.
1: Community risk assessment.
2: Organizational risk management plan
3: operational risk management.
Five step process that maintains a continues loop for operational risk management.
Situational awareness Hazard assessment Hazard control Decision point Evaluate.
During normal fire conditions the max survival time for a civilian is
10 mins
The majority of firefighter LODD occurs within the first ?
12 min
What is the blue print for making changes in the fire service.
The 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives.
Note: the firefighter life safety summit held in Tampa, Florida, in March 2004, produced the blueprint for making changes in the fire service.
NFPA 1500
Standard on fire department occupational health and safety program.
NFPA 1521
Standard for Fire Safety Officer.
NFPA 1561
Standard on emergency services incident management system.
NFPA 1581
Standard on fire department infection control program.
NFPA 1582
Standard on Comprehensive Occupational Medical Program for fire departments.
NFPA 1584
Standard on the Rehabilitation Process for Members during emergency operations and training exercises.
NFPA 1582
Standard on selection, care, and maintenance of open- circuit self contained breathing apparatus(SCBA)
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134
Respiratory protection.
NFPA 1041
Standard for fire service instructor professional qualifications.
What is one of the most effective teaching models?
Four-step method of instruction.
Four- step method of instruction.
NFPA 1403 recommends
An instructor to student ratio of one to five.
NFPA 1142
Standard on water supplies for suburban and rural fire fighting requirements.
The combination of CO and Hydrogen cyanide(HCN) is toxic at
NFPA 101
Life Safety Code.
States all means of egress must be usable by a person with a severe mobility impairments.
NFPA 704 placard
Method for indicating hazardous materials at fixed storage facilities.
What are the limitations of the NFPA 704 marking systems.
Doesn’t state exactly what chemicals you have or specific quantities.
Standard for the National Fire Alarm code.
Standard for the installation of stationary fire pumps for fire protection.
Note : requires them to be ran 30 min per week.
Stationary fire pumps are
Always almost electrically driven centrifugal pumps. 500 to 4500 gpms.
Standard for the installation of standpipe and hose systems.
Class l,ll, lll, according to their intended use.
CO2 fire extinguishes fire by?
Excluding Oxygen. (Smothering)
Halogenated agents are principally effective on what classes of fire?
Class B and Class C fires.
A blend of three naturally occurring gases nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide.
Hydrofluorocarbon alternative.
A clean agent. Hydrofluorocarbon.
In portable fire extinguishers two Halons are still in use:
Halon 121 (bromochlorodifluoromethane) Most common found in ext. Halon 1301 ( bromotrifluoromethane)
NFPA 1620
Standard for Pre-incident Planning.
Color code for NFPA 704 placard.
Red - Flammability 4-0
Blue - Health 4-0
Yellow- Instability 4-0
White- reactivity symbols
NFPA 204
Standard for smoke and heat venting.
Stage of a fire at which all surfaces and objects within a space have been heated to their ignition temp.
Flashover can occur within
5 min at 1,110 degrees F (599 C)
What was the result of Presidential Directive 5
NIMS (ICS) is required to be used.
Any combination of resources assembled for a specific mission or operational assignment.
Task force
Set number of resources of the same kind and type. Established minimum number of personnel.
Strike Team
NFPA 1562
Standard for fire department Incident Management System an Initial Action Plan.
Incident scene management should reflect these priorities in order.
- Life Safety
- Incident Stabilization
- Property Conservation.
Thermal or Chemical decomposition of fuel(matter) because of heat lowering ignition temps of the material.
The burning of wood release combustible gases and leaves a charred surface known as
Pyrolysis Process or Sublimation
Is the tendency of gases to to form into layers according to temperature.
Thermal Layering also called Heat stratification.
Fuel types
Class A - cellulose types. Ordinarily combustibles.
Class B- flammable/combustible liquids/gas.
Class C- Energized electrical wiring equipment.
Class D- combustible metals.
Class K- Deep fat fryers, commercial kitchens.
Who created the acronym RECEO-VS
Fire Chief Lloyd Layman
Mid -20th century
The acronym RECEOVS indemnifies
Strategic goals for an incident.
Who established the 2 in/ 2 out rule
OSHA as a part of the 29CFR 1910.134
How many individuals located outside the IDLH atmosphere can be assigned to an additional role IE -Incident command.
Only one.
Overall plans for controlling an incident.
Strategic goals.
Specific statements of measurable outcomes.
Tactical objectives.
Per NFPA 1500 who is responsible for collecting safety related info for a post incident analysis.
Incident Safety Officer.
Post incident critiques should occur within?
A week of the incident.
What happens to gases when they are heated?
They expand.
A post incident critique is a meeting that is based on what?
The Post incident Analysis. PIA
What is one of the most important skills for an officer to acquire and maintain.
Behavior Management.
What type of discipline usually starts with training and or education.
Progressive discipline.
Progressive discipline usually starts with
Training and or education.
Progressive discipline follows three levels?
What type of leadership Emphasizes collaboration and the free flow of ideas.
Democratic leadership
Dictatorship, no meaningful participation by the subordinates.
Authoritarian Leadership.
When a supervisor or other supervisor acts as an advisor or guide to another member.
Name two types of Tubular webbing and how they are made
1) Edge stitched: Folding a piece of flat webbing lengthwise and sewing the edge.
2) Spiral Weave: Also known as shuttle-loom construction, preferred for rescue work. The webbing is weaved as a tube.
Part of the rope used to tie the knot or hitch ?
Working end.
Free end of a rope used for hoisting, pulling, or belaying.
Running Part
Part of the rope between the working end and running Part
Standing Part
Name the tree types of bends that a rope undergoes when a knot or hitch is tied.
Round Turn
In the United States what are the functional branches of the federal government.
Branches of the state Government
The term common wealth is used to describe what four states?
Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia and one of the territories Puerto Rico
A commonwealth is a state in?
Which the government functions with the common consent of the people.
p. 354
What is the order of the four change process stages?
What are the fire essential characteristics of a group ?
Common binding interest. Group image identity Sense of continuity Shared valves Roles within the group.
Four generally accepted classifications of fire cause
Accidental, Natural, Incendiary, undetermined.