IELTS Vocabs Flashcards
حس درونی / شهودی، شمی، حسی
someone who is intuitive can understand situations without being told or having any proof about them
-She had an intuitive ability to size up people and their capabilities
-Great novelists have an intuitive understanding of the workings of human emotions.
-Macelo’s style of management is intuitive and informal.
Using words in a clever and amusing way
-a witty speaker
-Laura’s very witty.
-witty remarks
kind and generous
-I wouldn’t have helped him at all, but then I’m not as kind-hearted as you.
-Being a kind-hearted woman, she felt sorry for the poor child.
someone, especially a woman, who is vivacious has a lot of energy and a happy attractive manner
-Laura was an all-American type – cute, blonde, vivacious.
-He married a vivacious girl called Sarah who he met at university.
likely to forget things, especially because you are thinking about something else
-He’s a brilliant scientist but hopelessly absent-minded.
-I take an absent-minded sip from the mug beside me.
محتاط در گفتار و رفتار
careful about what you say or do, so that you do not offend, upset, or embarrass people or tell secrets
-He assured her that he would be discreet.
-I stood back at a discreet distance
-We offer a discreet and personal service to our clients.
-We were all pretty open with each other but very discreet outside.
seeming reasonable and sensible
-Men often accuse women of not being logical.
-This is the logical place to build a new airport
-It seemed logical to start by visiting the scene of the crime
از صمیم قلب / صادق و بی ریا
honest and true, and based on what you really feel and believe
-Please accept my sincere apologies.
-his sincere desire to find out the truth
-I wasn’t sure that he was sincere in what he was saying.
الهام بخش
providing encouragement or new ideas for what you should do
-an inspirational speech
-We sat outside in the brilliant sunshine.
-I think that’s a brilliant idea.
-a brilliant young musician
-The film was absolutely brilliant.
-The project was a brilliant success.
بلند پرواز
1- determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc
2- an ambitious plan, idea, etc shows a desire to do something good but difficult
-an ambitious engineering project
-mothers who are highly ambitious for their children
پر سروصدا
1-someone or something that is noisy makes a lot of noise
2-a place that is noisy is full of noise
-The bar was very noisy.
-The kids have been really noisy today.
caring only about yourself and not about other people
-How can you be so selfish?
-selfish behavior
با نزاکت و ادب
نرم و لطیف
1-kind and careful in the way you behave or do things, so that you do not hurt or damage anyone or anything
2- not extreme, strong, or violent
3-a gentle hill or slope is not steep or sharp
-Arthur was a very gentle, caring person.
-Melt the butter over a gentle heat
-a gentle breeze
نفرت انگیز / زننده
very offensive, unpleasant, or rude
-She’s really obnoxious.
-an obnoxious idea
مبتذل / رکیک
1- remarks, jokes etc that are vulgar deal with sex in a very rude and offensive way
2-not behaving politely in social situations
-The jokes are expected to be vulgar.
شیطون / سرکش
a naughty child does not obey adults and behaves badly
-You’re a very naughty boy! Look what you’ve done!
-a naughty little girl
بدکار / بداندیش / عوضی
very unkind and cruel, and deliberately behaving in a way that is likely to upset or hurt someone
-Who is responsible for these malicious rumors?
کم رو
not having courage or confidence
-I was a timid child.
-I was always timid about taking action in a crisis
بسیار عصبانی. آماده ی دعوا
bad-tempered and always willing to argue with people
-He was truculent and difficult to deal with.
-He was a truculent bully.
-a truculent teenager
someone who is deceitful tells lies in order to get what they want
-His manner was sly and deceitful.
-His lawyer argued that his client had not acted deceitfully.
-a deceitful man
انتقام جو، کینه توز
very eager to punish someone who has done something bad
-What had he done to make Juliet so vengeful and bitter?
-a vengeful God
بالغ / کامل
who is mature behaves in a sensible and reasonable way, as you would expect an adult to behave
-Laura is very mature for her age.
-We’re mature enough to disagree on this issue but still respect each other.
a place that is popular for entertainment or a particular activity
-They played regularly at legendary hot spots such as the UFO Club.
عالی / خیلی خوب
extremely good
-His performance was outstanding.
-Ed is an outstanding football player.
spreading over a wide area in an untidy or unattractive way
- Vast, sprawling city
- It was written in a sprawling hand that was difficult to read.
unusual and attractive, especially in an old-fashioned way
- a quaint little village in Yorkshire
- quaint country cottages
دست و پا چلفتی
moving or doing things in a careless way, especially so that you drop things, knock into things
- A clumsy waiter spilled wine all over her new skirt.
- a clumsy attempt to catch the ball
منفی باف و بدبین
unwilling to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something
- I think movie stars just do charity work to get publicity - but maybe I’m too cynical.
- Since her divorce, she’s become very cynical about men.
- The public is cynical about election promises.