IEE Flashcards
describe parts of IEE
Part I
Part II
Part III
I does NOT show profit (loss) + allocates expenses (from part III) into groups
II YES show (pre-tax) profit (loss) NET of reinsurance
III YES show (pre-tax) profit (loss) GROSS of reinsurance
interogatories - state allocation method of profits & expense by LOB
IEE part I allcoates other UW expenses into 3 buckets
name 3 buckets
- acquistion , field supervision, and collection expenses
- general expense
- taxes, licenses and fees
IEE part 2 vs IEE part 3
investment gain
part 2: Net of reinsurance + include investment gain (inv inc is earned on assets net of reinsurance)
vs part 3: gross of reinsurance + exclude investment gain
Describe IEE
LOB or total
state or countrywide
Profit or loss by …
Losses: incurred & unpaid
expenses: 3 buckets of UW expenses (TL&F, acquisition, general)
Users of IEE (4)
what they use it for
Regulators monitor (un)profitability
Stakeholders identify (un)profitable LOB
Actuaries benchmark company performance by LOB
Investors decide whether to invest
IEE most important interrogatory
Regarding expense/profit allocation by LOB…
a) any items need special comment or explanation &
b) any allocation method used that was not in instructions
IEE vs Income Statement
LOB separate vs LOB combined
Direct & net of reinsurance vs net of reinsurance
IEE vs UW & Insurance Expense Exhibit
UW expenses
UW expenses: seperated (General, TLF, acquisition expenses) vs combined
Losses: Incurred & Unpaid vs just Incurred
IEE vs Prem&Loss Exhibit
markets: Countrywide vs by state
expenses: Buckets of expenses vs expenses combined
reinsurance: Net & gross of reinsurance vs just direct of reinsurance
Adv of IEE surplus allocation method R2DC – not likely to be asked
Uses 2 yrs of data (reduces distortions)
Not distorted by Reinsurance
Easy to obtain Data (annual statement data)
Easy to Calculate /Compare across companies
Disadv of IEE surplus allocation method FARC – not likely to be asked
Uses prior 2 yrs of data (Retrospective doesn’t account for future growth)
Does not allow Actuarial input (formulaic)
Does not allocate surplus on the inherent risk of LOB (also change in business mix - long tail vs short tail)
Does not recognize Cat risk
m(re) = ceded reinsurance premium payable