Idioms (Part 9) Flashcards
not count one’s chickens before they’re hatched
not assume something before it happens
not have it both ways
refuse to make a decision between two pleasant things
not lose any sleep over something
not worry about something
null and void
invalid; not legally binding
of no consequence
of no value
off colour
look/ be slightly unwell
off the record
on a shoe string
on a very small budget
on account of
because of
on edge
tense/ nervous/anxious
on no account
under/ in no circumstances
on second thoughts
having changed one’s mind
on the air
on the dot
punctual, exact on time
on the face of it
judging by how something appears
on the spur of the moment
without thinking about something
on this/ that account
for this/ that reason
once and for all
for the last time
once in a blue moon
very rarely
open to debate
not decided / settled