Idioms (Part 11) Flashcards
pull one’s leg
tease or trick somebody
pull one’s socks up
make a greater effort
put on a brave face
try to hide ones disappointment
put one’s foot down
insist on something
put one’s foot in it
make a tactless comment
put one’s heart and soul into something
be devoted to something
put two and two together
arrive at the truth by looking at facts
put words into one’s mouth
pretend that somebody has said something that they haven’t actually said
rack somebody’s brains
think very hard about something
rain cats and dogs
rain heavily
ring a bell
remind somebody of something
rise to the challenge
act and be successful even though something is new
see eye to eye with somebody
agree with somebody
see the back of
be glad to see somebody leave
set in one’s ways
fixed in one’s habits
shed light upon
give new/further information
short and sweet
brief but pleasant (usually ironic)
show one’s true colors
reveal one’s real character
sleep like a dog
be sound asleep
sleep on it
think about something