Idioms (Part 3) Flashcards
Bite off more than somebody can chew
try to do something which is too difficult
Blessing in disguise
something which appears bad at first but then turns out favorably
Blow a fuse
Become very angry
Break the ice
ease the tension when one first meets people
Bring something home to somebody
make somebody understand how important or serious something is
Bring to one’s knees
Bury one’s head in the sand
avoid or ignore reality/responsibility
Butter somebody up
flatter somebody
By trial and error
learning from one’s mistake
Call it quits
give up/stop
Call somebody names
insult somebody
Chair a meeting
preside over a meeting
Clear the air
remove suspicion/bad feeling
Come clean
admit the truth
Come out of one’s shell
gain personal confidence
Come to a standstill
not progress/stop
Come to terms with
accept a difficult situation
Come to the point
reach the pain point in a discussion
Cost a bomb
very expensive