Idioms (part 5) Flashcards
flog a dead horse
waste time doing something useless
fly off the handle
quickly become very angry
fly on the wall
see/hear something in a situation which does not involve you
get a bit hot under the collar
get angry, upset or embarrassed
get a move on
hurry up
get a problem off one’s chest
tell somebody else about your problem
get cold feet
lose courage to do something
get off on the wrong foot
argue or disagree at the beginning of a relationship
get on one’s nerves
irritate/annoy somebody
get out of bed on the wrong side
be in a bad mood
get out of hand
become out of control
get rid of something
give something unwanted away
get the hang of it
get in the habit of doing something
get the wrong end of the stick
misunderstand completely what has been said
give and take
get wind of
receive information about something indirectly
give somebody the slip
escape from somebody
give vent to
express something freely
give the green light to something
give permission to proceed with something
give way to
give in/yield