Idioms Flashcards
What does the idiom “A blessing in disguise” mean?
A good thing that seemed bad at first
What does the idiom “A dime a dozen” mean?
Something common
What does the idiom “Beat around the bush” mean?
Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable
What does the idiom “Better late than never” mean?
Better to arrive late than not to come at all
What does the idiom “Bite the bullet” mean?
To get something over with because it is inevitable
What does the idiom “Break a leg” mean?
Good luck
What does the idiom “Call it a day” mean?
Stop working on something
What does the idiom “Cut somebody some slack” mean?
Don’t be so critical
What does the idiom “Cutting corners” mean?
Doing something poorly in order to save time or money
What does the idiom “Easy does it” mean?
Slow down and be careful
What does the idiom “Get out of hand” mean?
Get out of control
What does the idiom “Get something out of your system” mean?
Do the thing you’ve been wanting to do so you can move on
What does the idiom “Get your act together” mean?
Work better or leave
What does the idiom “Give someone the benefit of the doubt” mean?
Trust what someone says
What does the idiom “Go back to the drawing board” mean?
Start over
What does the idiom “Hang in there” mean?
Don’t give up
What does the idiom “Hit the sack” mean?
Go to sleep
What does the idiom “It’s not rocket science” mean?
It’s not complicated
What does the idiom “Let someone off the hook” mean?
To not hold someone responsible for something
What does the idiom “Make a long story short” mean?
Tell something briefly
What does the idiom “Miss the boat” mean?
It’s too late
What does the idiom “No pain, no gain” mean?
You have to work for what you want
What does the idiom “On the ball” mean?
Doing a good job
What does the idiom “Pull someone’s leg” mean?
To joke with someone
What does the idiom “Pull yourself together” mean?
Calm down
What does the idiom “So far so good” mean?
Things are going well so far
What does the idiom “Speak of the devil” mean?
The person we were just talking about showed up!
What does the idiom “That’s the last straw” mean?
My patience has run out
What does the idiom “The best of both worlds” mean?
An ideal situation
What does the idiom “Time flies when you’re having fun” mean?
You don’t notice how long something lasts when it’s fun
What does the idiom “Add fuel to the fire” mean?
To make a bad situation worse
What does the idiom “All bark and no bite” mean?
Someone who talks tough but doesn’t act on it
What does the idiom “All ears” mean?
Listening intently
What does the idiom “Bend over backward” mean?
Make a great effort to help someone
What does the idiom “Blow off steam” mean?
Do something to relieve stress
What does the idiom “Burn the midnight oil” mean?
Stay up late working or studying
What does the idiom “Caught between a rock and a hard place” mean?
Facing two difficult choices
What does the idiom “Come out of the woodwork” mean?
Appear suddenly or unexpectedly
What does the idiom “Cross that bridge when you come to it” mean?
Deal with a problem when it happens, not before
What does the idiom “Cry wolf” mean?
To call for help when it isn’t needed
What does the idiom “Curiosity killed the cat” mean?
Being too inquisitive can lead to trouble
What does the idiom “Drive someone up the wall” mean?
Annoy or irritate someone intensely
What does the idiom “Eat crow” mean?
To admit one was wrong and apologize
What does the idiom “Face the music” mean?
Accept the consequences of one’s actions
What does the idiom “Get off on the wrong foot” mean?
Begin something poorly or awkwardly
What does the idiom “Hit the ground running” mean?
Start something with energy and enthusiasm
What does the idiom “In the same boat” mean?
In the same difficult situation as someone else
What does the idiom “Jump through hoops” mean?
To go through many challenges to achieve something
What does the idiom “Keep your chin up” mean?
Remain positive in a difficult situation
What does the idiom “Last but not least” mean?
Something mentioned last but not less important
What does the idiom “Let sleeping dogs lie” mean?
Avoid bringing up old conflicts
What does the idiom “Make a mountain out of a molehill” mean?
Exaggerate the severity of a situation
What does the idiom “Out of the blue” mean?
What does the idiom “Put all your eggs in one basket” mean?
Risk everything on a single plan
What does the idiom “Raining cats and dogs” mean?
Raining heavily
What does the idiom “Skeletons in the closet” mean?
Hidden secrets
What does the idiom “Throw in the towel” mean?
To give up
What does the idiom “Under your nose” mean?
Something very close or obvious that’s unnoticed
What does the idiom “Water under the bridge” mean?
Past issues that are no longer significant
What does the idiom “With flying colors” mean?
Complete successfully with distinction
What does the idiom “A chip on your shoulder” mean?
Holding a grudge
What does the idiom “A leopard can’t change its spots” mean?
People cannot change their true nature
What does the idiom “A slap on the wrist” mean?
A mild punishment
What does the idiom “A taste of your own medicine” mean?
Experiencing the same negative treatment one gives others
What does the idiom “At the drop of a hat” mean?
Without hesitation
What does the idiom “Back to the salt mines” mean?
Returning to work, usually reluctantly
What does the idiom “Bite the hand that feeds you” mean?
To harm or criticize someone who helps you
What does the idiom “Break the bank” mean?
Spend all of one’s savings
What does the idiom “Bury the hatchet” mean?
Make peace with someone
What does the idiom “By the book” mean?
Follow rules or instructions exactly
What does the idiom “Close but no cigar” mean?
Almost correct but not entirely successful
What does the idiom “Cold feet” mean?
Fearful at the last minute
What does the idiom “Cut to the chase” mean?
Get to the point
What does the idiom “Devil’s advocate” mean?
To argue against something for the sake of debate
What does the idiom “Elephant in the room” mean?
An obvious issue that everyone is ignoring
What does the idiom “Every man for himself” mean?
Everyone must take care of themselves without relying on others
What does the idiom “Fish out of water” mean?
Someone who feels uncomfortable in a new situation
What does the idiom “Fools rush in” mean?
People with little experience often take unnecessary risks
What does the idiom “Get a grip” mean?
Control your emotions
What does the idiom “Have a bone to pick” mean?
Having an issue to discuss, often a grievance
What does the idiom “Hold your horses” mean?
Wait a moment; be patient
What does the idiom “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mean?
Don’t change something that’s working fine
What does the idiom “In hot water” mean?
In trouble
What does the idiom “Keep your nose clean” mean?
Stay out of trouble
What does the idiom “Let the cat out of the bag” mean?
Reveal a secret
What does the idiom “On the same page” mean?
To have the same understanding as someone else
What does the idiom “Pull out all the stops” mean?
Use all available resources to achieve something
What does the idiom “Shake a leg” mean?
Hurry up
What does the idiom “Stick to your guns” mean?
Maintain your position or opinion despite opposition
What does the idiom “The ball is in your court” mean?
It’s your decision or responsibility to act
What does the idiom “A penny for your thoughts” mean?
Asking someone what they are thinking
What does the idiom “Burning the candle at both ends” mean?
Overworking to the point of exhaustion
What does the idiom “Couch potato” mean?
A person who is lazy and watches a lot of TV
What does the idiom “Cut the mustard” mean?
To meet expectations or do a good job
What does the idiom “Dog days of summer” mean?
The hottest days of summer
What does the idiom “Down to the wire” mean?
At the last possible moment
What does the idiom “Drop a bombshell” mean?
Reveal shocking news
What does the idiom “Feather in your cap” mean?
An accomplishment to be proud of
What does the idiom “Go out on a limb” mean?
Take a risk
What does the idiom “Have a green thumb” mean?
Be good at gardening
What does the idiom “In the bag” mean?
Assured of success
What does the idiom “Jump on the bandwagon” mean?
Follow a popular trend
What does the idiom “Keep your eye on the ball” mean?
Stay focused
What does the idiom “Know the ropes” mean?
Understand how things work
What does the idiom “Leave someone high and dry” mean?
Abandon someone in a difficult situation
What does the idiom “Loose cannon” mean?
Someone unpredictable who may cause trouble
What does the idiom “Money doesn’t grow on trees” mean?
Money is not easy to obtain
What does the idiom “Out of the woods” mean?
Out of danger or difficulty
What does the idiom “Pass the buck” mean?
Shift responsibility to someone else
What does the idiom “Pay through the nose” mean?
Pay a lot of money
What does the idiom “Play it by ear” mean?
Improvise as a situation unfolds
What does the idiom “Riding shotgun” mean?
Sitting in the front passenger seat
What does the idiom “Rock the boat” mean?
Cause trouble or disrupt a situation
What does the idiom “Set in stone” mean?
Permanent or unchangeable
What does the idiom “Spill the beans” mean?
Reveal a secret
What does the idiom “The tip of the iceberg” mean?
A small part of a much larger issue
What does the idiom “Throw in the towel” mean?
Give up or surrender
What does the idiom “Two peas in a pod” mean?
Very similar people
What does the idiom “Under one’s belt” mean?
An experience or achievement gained
What does the idiom “Wipe the slate clean” mean?
Start over without past problems
What does the idiom “All in the same boat” mean?
In the same situation as others, often a difficult one
What does the idiom “Apple of my eye” mean?
Someone cherished above all others
What does the idiom “Barking up the wrong tree” mean?
Pursuing a mistaken or misguided course of action
What does the idiom “Beat a dead horse” mean?
Waste effort on something that is no longer relevant
What does the idiom “Big fish in a small pond” mean?
An important person in a small community or organization
What does the idiom “Blow your own trumpet” mean?
Boast about one’s achievements
What does the idiom “Break the mold” mean?
Do something in a completely new way
What does the idiom “Burn the candle at both ends” mean?
Work excessively to the point of exhaustion
What does the idiom “Butterflies in your stomach” mean?
Feeling nervous
What does the idiom “Call it quits” mean?
Stop doing something
What does the idiom “Caught red-handed” mean?
Caught in the act of wrongdoing
What does the idiom “Clam up” mean?
Refuse to speak or become silent
What does the idiom “Clear the air” mean?
Resolve a tense situation
What does the idiom “Come clean” mean?
Admit the truth
What does the idiom “Cool as a cucumber” mean?
Very calm and composed
What does the idiom “Cut your losses” mean?
Stop an activity to prevent further loss
What does the idiom “Down to earth” mean?
Practical and realistic
What does the idiom “Draw the line” mean?
Set a limit on what is acceptable
What does the idiom “Fall on deaf ears” mean?
Be ignored or go unheard
What does the idiom “Fish out of water” mean?
Feeling out of place
What does the idiom “Fly off the handle” mean?
Lose one’s temper
What does the idiom “Follow in someone’s footsteps” mean?
Do what someone else did, often a family member
What does the idiom “Full of hot air” mean?
Talking nonsense or boasting
What does the idiom “Go cold turkey” mean?
Quit something abruptly, especially an addiction
What does the idiom “Go out on a limb” mean?
Take a risk
What does the idiom “Go the extra mile” mean?
Make a special effort beyond what is expected
What does the idiom “Golden opportunity” mean?
An excellent chance to achieve something
What does the idiom “Graveyard shift” mean?
A work shift during the very late night or early morning
What does the idiom “Head over heels” mean?
Completely in love
What does the idiom “Hit the jackpot” mean?
Achieve great success, often financially
What does the idiom “Hold down the fort” mean?
Take care of things while someone is away
What does the idiom “In a nutshell” mean?
Summarize something concisely
What does the idiom “In the doghouse” mean?
In trouble or disfavor
What does the idiom “Jump the gun” mean?
Start something too early
What does the idiom “Kick the bucket” mean?
What does the idiom “Know the ropes” mean?
Be familiar with the details of a task or job
What does the idiom “Lend a hand” mean?
Help someone
What does the idiom “Let off steam” mean?
Release pent-up energy or emotion
What does the idiom “Live and let live” mean?
Accept other people’s differences and allow them to live as they choose
What does the idiom “Money talks” mean?
Wealth can influence decisions
What does the idiom “Not playing with a full deck” mean?
Lacking intelligence or sanity
What does the idiom “Once bitten, twice shy” mean?
Caution after a negative experience
What does the idiom “Open a can of worms” mean?
Start a complex or difficult issue
What does the idiom “Out on a limb” mean?
In a risky position without support
What does the idiom “Paint the town red” mean?
Go out and celebrate wildly
What does the idiom “Pass the buck” mean?
Shift responsibility to someone else
What does the idiom “Pull a rabbit out of a hat” mean?
Produce an unexpected solution
What does the idiom “Read between the lines” mean?
Understand the hidden meaning
What does the idiom “Spill the beans” mean?
Reveal a secret
What does the idiom “Steal someone’s thunder” mean?
Take credit for someone else’s idea