Idiomatic Expressions Flashcards
Togliere le castagne dal fuoco
To remove the chestnuts from the fire
To take responsibility
Avere le mani d’oro
To be gifted at doing things
Avere le mani legate
To have one’s hands tied
Buona notte al secchio
Then we’re screwed
Buono come il pane
As good as bread
Caduto dalle nuvole
Fallen from the clouds
To be completely surprised
Cadere in piedi
To land on one’s feet
Dare manforte
To come to the rescue
Essere fuori di testa
To be out of one’s mind
Metter le mani avanti
To take action before the problem increases
Mettersi le mani nei capelli
To be desperate
Mordersi le mani
To have regret
Mi piace un casino
I like it a lot.
Fare il passo piu lungo della gamba
To step longer than one’s leg
To bite off more than you can chew
Vivere al giornata
Carpe diem - seize the moment
Sapere un’acca
To know nothing
Farsela addosso
To have a lot of fear
Cercare un ago nel pagliaio
To try and find a needle in a haystack
Stare all’albero a cantare
To be by the tree singing
To be lazy
Dormire, riposare sugli allori
To rest on one’s laurels
Arrivare, giungere in alto
To make a career
Essere amici di pelle
To be best friends
Tirare avanti
To move on
Fare castelli in aria
To make castles in the air
To daydream
Essere in gamba
To be on the ball
Andare lontano
To go far
Fare, promettere mari e monti
To go above and beyond to achieve a goal
Prendere il mondo come viene
To take the world as it comes
Essere padrone di…
To be an expert of…
Andare a rotoli
To go very badly in a situation
Sudare sangue
To sweat blood
To work hard
Avere la testa fra nuvole
To have one’s head in the clouds
Essere, camminare sull’orlo d’un abisso
To stand on the edge of an abyss
Fare il/la secchione
To be a nerd
To pick on
Fare il ripasso/ripassare
To revise
To be gifted in doing things
Avere le mani d’oro
To take the chestnuts from the fire
To take responsibility
Togliere le castagne del fuoco
Carpe diem
Seize the day
Vivere al giornata
To have one’s hands tied
Avere le mani legate
Goodnight to the bucket
We’re screwed
Buona notte al secchio
As good as bread
Buono come il pane
Fallen from the clouds
Completely surprised
Caduto dalle nuvole
To land on one’s feet
Cadere in piedi
To come to the rescue
Dare manforte
To be out of one’s mind
Essere fuori di testa
To take action to prevent later damage
Metter le mani avanti
To be desperate
Mettersi le mani nei capelli
To put a cherry on top
Metterci la ciliegina sopra
I like it a lot
Mi piace un casino
To regret something
Mordersi le mani
To step longer than one’s leg
To bite of more than one can chew
Fare il passo piu lungo della gamba
Ogni morto di papa
Every death of the pope
Once in a blue moon
Every death of the pope
Once in a blue moon
Ogni morto di papa
To know nothing
Sapere un’acca
To have a lot of fear
Farsela addosso
To find a needle in a haystack
Cercare un ago nel pagliaio
To be by the tree singing
To be lazy
Stare all’albero a cantare
To rest on one’s laurels
Dormire, riposare sugli allori
To make a career
Arrivare, giungere in alto
To be best friends
Essere amici di pelle
To move on
Tirare avanti
To make castles in the air
To daydream
fare castelli in aria
To be on the ball
Essere in gamba
To go for
Andare lontano
To go above and beyond for a goal
Fare, promettere mari e monti
To take the world as it comes
Prendere il mondo come viene
To be an expert of…
Essere padrone di…
To go very badly in a situation
Andare a rotoli
To sweat blood
Saudade sangue
To have one’s head in the clouds
Avere la testa Fra nuvole
To stand on the edge of an abyss
Essere, camminare sull’orlo d’un abisso
To be a nerd
Fare il/la secchione
To pick on
To revise
Fare il ripasso/ripassare