Identity,class & girls achievement Flashcards
- Archer (Symbolic capital, hyper-hetrosexual female identities, Boyfriends, Being Loud, Working class Girls Dilemma)
- Evans and Skeggs (Successful WC Girls)
Outline Archer findings in his study of WC Girls-symbolic capital?
explains differences in conflict of WC girls feminine identities & values of ethos system
symbolic capital-refers to status,recognition & worth obtained form others
Found WC girls got symbolic capital from their peers, by adopting hyper-heterosexual feminine identities, having boyfriends, and being loud.
> Putting them in conflict with school stopping them getting educational (qualifications)& economical capital(middle class careers), repeating the cycle.
Outline Archer findings in his study of WC Girls in relation to heterosexual female identities?
> WC girls invested time, effort, money creating desirable identities with/ unisex sportswear,’ sexy’ clothes, make-up, hairstyles.
> girls feminine identitifies gained symbolic capital from peers
> Avoid being labelled a ‘tramp’ for wearing wrong brands.
Archer -School’s Response to WC Girls adopting hyper-heterosexual female identities
Brought conflict with school who saw girls’ appearances as distraction from school
Labelled them as incapable of academic success.
Thus school commits symbolic violence, as it goes against school’s ideal female pupil e.g. desexualised and MC.
symbolic violence-harm done by denyimg someone symbolic capital
Outline Archer findings in his study of WC Girls in relation to Boyfriends?
> Boyfriends brought symbolic capital but distracted them from education.
> Lowering Girls aspirations e.g. lost interest in uni and getting professional career.
> Aspired to settle down’, have children and work locally in WC jobs e.g. Childcare.
Outline Archer findings in his study of WC Girls in relation to Being Loud?
some WC girls Gain symbolic capital, by having loud identities, outspoken, assertive, independent challenging teachers authority
Teacher view this as aggressive, leading to girls being removed from class, leading to poor results
what were Archers findings on WC dilemma?
What two options did they have?
WC girls faced dilemma of either:
A: Gaining symbolic capital from peers, by performing hyper-heterosexual female identities
B: Gaining SC from school, rejecting hyper-heterosexual female identities, conforming to schools ideal Female pupil
Concluded WC girls invest in their feminine identities & are a major cause of their underachievement
What did Evans and Skeggs find in relation to their Study of Successful WC Girls?
Found even successful WC girls faced hidden barriers.
Felt their identity wouldn’t fit in with habitus of elite uni’s
They had strong attachment to WC locality and Family
Wanting to remain at home to study, an economic necessity.
External Reasons Why Boys May Be Behind In Education
- Literacy Skills
- Decline of Traditional Male Jobs
- Over-Estimation of Ability
Internal Reasons Why Boys May be Behind in Education
- Feminisation of Education
- Laddish Subcultures
External Boys Factors Theorists
> Department for Children, Schools and Families - DCSF (Literacy Skills)
Mitsos & Browne (Decline of Traditional Men’s Jobs)
Barber (Over-Estimation of Ability)
Literacy skills -external factors explaining boys achievemnt
What were
What were DCSF findings on Boys Poor Literacy & Language Skills
According to DCSF the gender gap is mainly result of boys poor literacy skills
> Parents spend less time reading to boys
> Mainly mothers read to kids, so seen as feminine activity
> Boys interests e.g. football and video games, doesn’t help their language skills.
> whereas Girls have Bedroom Culture, increasing their vocab.
> As literacy is important in all subjects, it severely impacts boys achievement.
Decline of traditional male jobs
Mitsos and Browne’s findings in relation to Globalisation - Decline of Traditional Men’s Jobs in relation to External Factors?
> Decline in heavy industries e.g. iron & steel, engineering etc, relocated to other countries.
Decline in male employment opportunities, led to ‘identity crisis’
Boys believe they won’t get ‘proper job’ means low self-esteem and motivation to do well.
Criticisms of Mitsos & Browne
Decline largely in manual WC jobs needing few qualifications.
Unlikely their disappearance will impact boys motivation to get qualifications.
What are Sewell’s findings on the Feminisation of Education in relation to Internal Factors?
Internal factor
> Boys underachieve as schools become feminised.
> Skls don’t nurture masculine traits e.g. competitiveness and leadership
> Skls celebrate qualities e.g. attentiveness & methodical working, associated with girls.
> Coursework should be replaced with exams, with outdoor activity in the curriculum.
> As Boys become ‘bored’ with school
A03 Criticisms of Boys Internal Factors Theorists
> Francis (Gender don’t matter)
> Read (Liberal Discourse vs Disciplinarian Discourse)
Explain Laddish Subcultures
Internal factors
Pressure on boys to demonstrate their masculinity, by being Anti-School Subcultures, to gain Symbolic Capital by peers
Leading to exclusion and underachievement.
Doing well at school or asking for help leads to bullying and belief they’re weak.