Educational achievemnet-Ethnic differences Flashcards
outline the differences in educational achievement between ethnic groups
White & asians on average do better than blacks
indians do better than pakistani & bangladeshi
External factors on ethnic differences in achievement
- Cultural deprivation
- Material deprivation
- Racism in wider society
3 Reasons why Certain Ethnic Groups Underachieve -according to CDT
Cultural deprivation theorists see underachievement of some ethnic groups as result of inadequate socialisation in the home focusing on differences in:
* Language
* Family Structure
* Attitudes and Values
Why is Language a reason Certain Ethnic Groups Underachieve?
CDT argue BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) lack stimulation & linguistic development through their socialisation.
leaving them poorly equipped for school-not developed reasoning & problem solving skills
Who are Language Deprivation Theorists
Ethnic differences in achievement
> Bereiter and Engelmann (Language of Low-Income Blacks)
Bowker-children who not speak english at home will be held back educationally
Gilbourn & Mirza (Indian Kids)
Bereiter and Engelmann on Language of low-income black families?
> Language of low-income black-american families is inadequate for educational success.
It’s ungrammatical, disjointed and unable of expressing abstract ideas.
Bowker-concerns that children who do not speak english at home will be held back educationally
How do Gilbourn & Mirza outline that concern some kids don’t speak English at home may be held back is a myth?
Mizra- Indian students do well even without English as a 1st language.
In 2010 those without English as 1st Language were only 3.2 points ahead those without English as a 1st language, in terms of getting 5+ GCSES.
A03 Criticisms of Language Deprivation Theorists
> Swann Report-found language differences had little impact on achievement.
CDT - attitudes & values cause of BAME underachievement
CDT see lack of motivation as major cause of failure of black children
most children socialised into mainstream culture-instils ambition,competitiveness & delayed gratification to achieve long term goals
CDT say subculture BAME are socialised into subculture that is fatalistic and focused on immediate gratification, resulting in lack of motivation to succeed.
A03 Criticisms of Attitudes and Values Theorists
> Connor-Found BAME placed higher value on education than white.
> Sewell-Only minority of black boys were in anti-school subcultures
CDT Family Structure/Support impact on Black Pupils Sociologists
> Moynihan (Absence of Male Role Model)
> Murray (Problem with Lone Parent Families)
> Sewell (Lack of Fatherly Nurturing and Gangs)
Explain Moynihan’s view in relation why Blacks underachieve?
Family structure
> Absence of male role model, in female headed black Lone Parent Families, produces inadequately socialised children who fail at school.
And become inadequate parents themselves perpetuating culture of poverty.
New right view
Explain Murray’s view in relation why Blacks underachieve?
Family structure
> argues high rate of lone parenthood & lack of male role models lead to underachiveemnt of minorities
Afro-Caribbean Lone Parent Families is to blame and lack of male role-models means mums struggle to socialise children well.
Explain Sewell’s view in relation why Blacks underachieve?
Family structure
> Disagrees with Murray, arguing lack of fatherly nurturing leads to black boys underachieving.
Gangs offer them perverse loyalty and love presenting boys with media-inspired role of anti-school black masculinity.
Medias created negative antischool role model for black pupils in e.g. Ultra-Tough Ghetto Superstar through rap & MTV videos.
Black students do worse than Asian peers, as whilst 1 group is nurtured by MTV, other is clocking up educational hours.
Academically successful black boys felt biggest barrier to success was pressure, doing well at school was seen as selling out.
A03 Criticisms of CDT
ALL critcis of CDT oppose compensatory education see it as attempt to impose dominant white culture on children who already have culture of their own
> Gilbourn (Sewell )
Driver (Murray)
Keddie on Criticisms of CDT
CDT-victim blaming explanation
BAME students are culturally different not deprived.
- Fail due to ethnocentric curriculum being in favour of the Whites.
How does Driver criticise CDT (Murray)
Black families not dysfunctional, provides girls with positive role models of strong independent women, so do better in education
is why black girls more successful than black boys
Ball on Criticisms CDT
Argues BAME fail as parents less aware of to manipulate system, so it’s rather due to cultural exclusions.
How does Gilbourn criticise Sewell view on why Blacks underachieve?
Not peer pressure, but Institutional Racism in education producing failure of large number of Black Boys.
Explain how Family Structure impacted Asian Pupils
> Sewell
Indian and Chinese pupils benefit from supportive families who have an ‘Asian work ethic’ placing high value on education.
Lupton (Adult Authority) Asian families have more ‘Pro-School’ attitude than blacks.
>Asian families rarely lone parents so offer bigger support network for children.
Material Deprivation and Racism in Society Theorists
Material deprivation see educational failure as resulting from factors -substanard housing/low income
> Palmer (Stats on BAME in Poverty)
-half of ethnic minorities live in low income households as against quarter of whites
ethnic minorities-twice likely unemployed compared to whites
more likely to be homeless
earn less than whites
ethnic minorities likely engaged in shift work
pakistani & bangladeshi women -more likely engaged in low paid work
3 Reasons why BAME are at greater risk of material deprivation?
> Live in areas with high unemployment rate and low wage rates.
> Lack of language skills & foreign unrecognised qualifications.
> Racial discrimination in the labour market & housing market.
Ethnic groups on FSM-less likely British & Indian
More likely Bangladeshi & Black african
Rex -Racism in Wider Society?
While MD & poverty impact educational achievement on ethnic minorites -some argue poverty is product of racism
REX Explains how Racism leads to social exclusion and poverty.
- e.g. In housing BAME more likely to be forced into substandard accommodation than white of the same class.
- more likely to face unemployement & low pay
What are the trends for Indian and Chinese Pupils who’re materially deprived?
Indian and Chinese pupils who’re materially deprived still do well
e.g. Chinese girls who are on FSM achieved more 5+ GCSEs compared to white girls not on FSM.
Internal factors
- Labelling & teacher racism
- Pupil identities
- Pupil responses & subcultures
Labelling and Teacher Racism Theorists
Internal Factors
> Gilbourn and Mirza (Black when starting school compared to GCSE)
> Gilbourn and Youdell (Racialised Expectations)
> Wright (Asian Pupils in Primary School)
> Archer (Pupil Identities)
> Archer and Francis (Chinese Pupils)
> Fuller (Black Girls)
What were Gilbourn and Mirza’s findings on Black Kids achievement on entry to Primary School compared to at GCSE?
Found in 1 area black children were the highest achievers on entry to primary school but at GCSE, they had lowest results
Fact that blck children can begin school as top achievers and finish lowest
Challenges CDT assumptions that black children start school unprepared
instead shows internal factors are to blame
Labelling & teacher racism
Teachers view on Black and Asian students in relation to the ideal pupil?
focusing on labels teachers give to children from diff ethnic background
Teachers see Black and Asian pupils far from ‘ideal pupil’
Black pupils seen as aggressive, and Asian seen as passive.
negative labels Leads teachers to treat BAME differently, disadvantaging them & failing
Labelling & teacher racism
Explain Gilbourn and Youdell’s idea of Racialised Expectations?
> found Teachers were quicker to discipline blacks than others for similar behaviour.
argue this is a result of ‘racialised expectations’
> Teachers expected blacks to present more discipline problems misinterpret their behaviour as threatening
> Blacks felt teachers underestimated their ability and picked on them-SFP
> Leads to Higher number of exclusions and them being put in lower sets, leading to underachievement.
argue conflcit between white teachers & black pupils stemj from racial stereotypes teachers hold rather than pupils behaviour
Explain Wright’s Study of Asian Pupils in Multi-Ethnic Primary Schools
> found Asians were victims of teacher labelling- were stereotyped by teachers &treated differently
Techers held ethnocentric views(believed british culture-superior)
> They assumed they had poor grasp of English, using childish language when speaking to them, leaving them out of discussions
> Mispronounced their names, seeing them as problem they could ignore.
> So Asians, especially girls, were marginalised affecting their self esteem.
Labelling & teacher racism
Archer(pupil identities)
Teachers defined etnic minorities identities far from ideal pupil
archer described how teachers discource(way of seeing something) defines ethnic minorities identities
Ideal Pupil Identity-White middle class masculine identity -achives through natural ability
Pathologised Pupil Identities-asian -> ‘Deserving poor’Feminine identity Either asexual/oppressed sexuality, Conformist, Over achiever, succeeds through hard work more than natural ability.
Demonised Pupil Identities-black or white WC hyper heterosecualised identity-pupil seen as unintelligent ,pree-led, CD underachiever
For Archer BAME likely to be seen as demonised/pathologised pupils
from interviews with teacher & students shows how black students are demonised as loud,challenging & with unaspirational home cultures
found that teachers saw asian girls-passive but when misbehaved delt with more harsly
What did Archer find on how Teachers treated and viewed Chinese Pupils?
> Were given ‘’negative-positive stereotype’’ could never be viewed as ideal pupil, were wrongly seen as MC.
> As they achieved from hard work, passive conformism not natural ability
> Natural achievement only seen available to White MC
> Teachers saw their families as ‘tight’ ‘using this to explain girls’ passivity
2 Criticisms of Sewell Study
> Doesn’t tell us why boys chose different responses.
> Despite this teachers saw them all the same and Sewell still feels external factors are more important.
Labelling & teacher racism
Explain Fuller Study of Black Girls
Fullers study of group of black girls
High achieving black girls, rejecting teachers labels.
Determined to do well, by challenging their anger about labelling into educational success
but only conformed as far as completing school work.
They did not seek teachers approval and maintaining friendships with girls in lower streams.
relied on own efforts to do well rather than accepting teachers negative stereotype
Explain how Fuller Study of Black Girls showing Labelling Theory is too deterministic?
High achieving black girls, rejecting teachers labels.
Determined to do well, but only conformed as far as completing school work.
Not seeking teachers approval and maintaining friendships with girls in lower streams.
shows pupils still even when refused to conform & negative labelling does not lead to failure
3 Criticisms of Labelling on Ethnicity
> Rather tha blaming home background like CDT do labelling theory shows teachers stereotypes can be cause of failure
> Assumes racist stereotypes are product of a teachers view, not way education system operates. e.g Gilborn & youdell policy of publishing league tables creates A-to-C economy leads to large number of blacks & WC placed in lower streams
> r.assumes once labelled pupils full victim to SFP & fail
Deterministic e.g. Fulle
Institutional Racism and Marketisation Theorists
> Troyna and Williams (Types of Racism)
> Critical Race Theory
> Gilbourn (Locked In Inequality)
> Gilbourn (Marketisation and Segregation)
Institutionalised racism
Troyna and Williams-instituational racism
Internal factor
Explain how school discriminates against ethnic minorities through:
Individual Racism: Result from prejudice views of individual teachers &others.
Institutional Racism: Discrimination built into way institutions school and college operate.
Define Critical Race Theory
See racism as deep-rooted ingrained feature of society.
Marketisation & segregation
Gilbourn view on how Institutional Racism Locked in Inequality
- Racism so ingrained in education it’s inevitable
- Argues marketisation gives schools scope to select pupils allows negative stereotypes to influence decisions about schools leading to ethnic segregation
>with minority pupils failing to get into better secondary schools due to discrimination
>found primary school reports used to screen out pupils with languagee difficulties
> comission for racial equality identified that racism in school admissions meant ethnic minority children more likely to end up in unpopular schools
According to Foster how does the concept of Educational Triage negatively affect black pupils?
Teachers stereotypes blacks as badly behaved, so they’re put in lower sets than other pupils of same ability, leading to self-fulfilling prophecy
Institutional Racism and Ethnocentric Curriculum Theorists
> Troyna (Language - Ethnocentric)
What are examples of how UK curriculum is Ethnocentric?
> Language: Troyna
> Literature: Don’t include non-british writers
> School Holidays: Holidays fall in line with Christian Traditions
> Uniform: Might conflict with people’s cultural dress, Girls permitted to wear skirts, may not be appropriate in some cultures.
What was Troyna’s study relating to the Ethnocentric Curriculum?
Curriculum is British, focusing on white culture, ignoring non-European language, literature and music, lack of teaching of Asian Languages.
Criticism of Ethnocentric Curriculum
Doesn’t explain how Indian and Chinese achievement is above national average.
Institutional Racism and Assessment Theorists
> Gilbourn (Assessment)
What was Gilbourn’s view on Assessment?
> Systems rigged to validate dominant culture superiority
> Baseline assessments showing BAME were ahead of white was replaced in 2003, with FSP (Foundation Stage Profile), based on teacher judgements, given wide scope for stereotyping.
> So blacks appeared to be doing worst than whites.
Explain Gilbourn’s findings on how their inequalities to Access to Opportunities in relation to G&T?
In Gifted and Talented programs Whites are twice as likely to be identified as G&T over BAME.
Explain Gilbourn’s study on New IQism
Access to opportunities such as higher sets/Gifted & taleneted programme depend heavily on teachers assessments of pupils ability
teachers place students in sets on attainment but also disciplinary conerns of pupils attitude
he argues Teachers & Policymakers make false assumptions about students’ ability or potential.
one pupils ‘potential’has been measured they put them in stream on gifted & talented programme
Tests are rigged to dominant culture, so BAME more likely to be put in lower streams.
Critics of Institutional racism
sewell criticises gilborn on institutional racism
> If there’s institutional racism, how comes Indian and Chinese students still perform well.
Black boys underachievement- critcial race theorists such as gilbron argue institutional racism is main cause of underachievement
argue internal factors within education system -such as assessment & setting produce the failure of large number of ethnic minority pupils (black boys)
sewel rejects this view we need to focus on external factors such as boys anti school subcultures , the peer group & nurturing role of the father
argues there is also overachievement by ‘model minorities’ e.g indian & chinese pu[ils peeform better than white majority -if both groups achieve so well how can there be institutional racism