Class differences in achievement-External Flashcards
What are External Influences on Educational Achievement?
> Material Deprivation
> Cultural deprivation
outline general view of CDT
CDT claim WC fail to socialise children adequately for educational success
Explaining class differences
Social class background has a powerful influence on a child’s chance of success.
Children from MC families perform better than WC children
class gap in achievement grows wider as children get older.
What is Cultural Deprivation?
Being deprived of cultural values facilitating educational success.
Explain cultural deprivation theorists view on class differences
- WC, have inferior norms, values, skills, & knowledge- prevent them achieving in education.
Inferior language skills, and WC parents do not value education are largely to blame for WC underachievement.
3 Main Aspects of Cultural Deprivation
- Language
- Parents Education
- Working class Subculture
What is Basic Cultural Equipment?
Language, self-discipline and reasoning skills.
What did the Centre for Educational Studies find on the difference between Middle Class and Working class?
Found by age of 3 children were three years behind those from middle class
Cultural Deprivation Theorists
Cultural Deprivation:
> Centre for Educational Studies (Working Class behind Middle Class)
> Feinstein & Tait (Language Differences between Educated & Non Educated Parents)
> Bernstein (Elaborated versus Restricted Code)
>Bereiter & Englemann (1966) claim language used in lower class homes deficient
Parents Education:
> Douglas (Lack of Working Class Parent Interest)
> Feinstein (Parenting Styles/Education)
Use of Income:
> Bernstein and Young (Middle Class Mums buy Educational Resources for Kids)
> Sugarman (Fatalism, Collectivism etc and Security of Middle Class Jobs)
> Hyman (Self-Imposed Barriers)
What is Tait and Feinstein’s view on Language affecting Educational Achievement? (Differences between Educated and Uneducated Parents)
> Educated parents - use language challenging their children to evaluate their own understanding-Results in higher performance
Less educated-use language in ways requiring children to make simple statements. Results in lower performance.
Feinstein found educated parents more likely to use praises, helps children be more confident.
Bernstein-speech codes
- WC more likely to use:
Restricted Code: short, disjointed, simple sentences, context-bound - MC more likely to use:
Elaborated Code: Wider vocab,abstract ideas, context-free
>MC can switch codes, WC limited to restricted code.
>MC students at advantage as teachers, textbooks use elaborate code
Criticisms of Bernstein’s
CDT-, it is schools who fail to teach elaborated code,he recognizes that school fails to socialize working class on how to use elaborated code
What is the 2nd aspect of CD: Parents education
CDT-argue parents’ attitude to education key factor affecting children’s achievement
> Douglas (Lack of Working Class Parent Interest)
> Feinstein (Parenting Styles/Education)
What was Douglas’s view on Parental Education?
> WC parents placed less value on education, children were less ambitious, less encouragement, so took less interest
WC parents unlikely to go and discuss child’s progress with teachers & as result WC had low achievement.
What was Feinstein view on Parental Education and Parents Education?
> Parents’ Education/Parenting Styles are
MC parents are better educated emphasize consistent discipline and high expectations
Parents of WC involves harsh, inconsistent discipline
so problems interacting with teachers.
CD- Use of Income
> Bernstein and Young (Middle Class Mums buy Educational Resources for Kids)
educated parents – higher income spent on promoting children’s educational success
MC spend income on visists to museums and library invest in tutors & resources
What was Bernstein and Young view on Use of Income?
> Middle class mums more likely to buy educational, toys, books etc.
> Encourage reasoning and stimulate intellectual development
> WC parents unable to afford this (only have money for necessities) thus, working class are behind peers.
What were the 4 Values outlined in Sugarman’s view of the Working class subculture that act as a barrier to educational achievement?
- Fatalism:
- Collectivism:
- Immediate Gratification:
- Present Time-Orientation:
Middle class culture has a future-time orientation that sees planning for the future as important
Working class children internalise the beliefs and values of their subculture through socialization processes and results in underachieving in schools
What is fatalism(sugarman)
Belief your status is fixed and can’t be changed
What is collectivism(sugarman)
> WC Value being part of a group more than succeeding as an individual, opposite for middle class
What is immediate gratification
Want to get pleasure straight away, without making sacrifices. - middle class have delayed gratification, make sacrifices now have pleasure later
What is Present Time-Orientation(sugarman)
> > Present Time-Orientation: Seeing present more important than future not having long-term goals.
What does Sugarman link the differences between MC values and WC values are down to?
He links this to security of mc jobs, encourage ambition long term planning & willingness to work harder, instilling this into children.
>WC jobs are less secure no career structure- fewer promotions, opportunities, and earnings
Explain Hyman’s Theory of Self-Imposed Barriers in relation to Working Class Subcultures
> Working class create barriers and have limited care for education
> As working class parents had negative experience in school.
> Which is passed on to child, thus working class continue to fail in education.
A03 Criticisms of Cultural Deprivation in Achievement
> Keddie (Sugarman)
Troyna and Williams (Any Language Theorist)
Blackstone & Mortimore (Douglas)
How does Keddie criticise Sugarman’s view?
Describes CD as a myth and sees it as victim blaming explanation
>Working class different culturally, but not deprived.
>They fail because put at a disadvantage by an education system dominated by middle class values
- Rather than seeing working class subculture as deficient, schools should challenge teachers working class prejudices.
Explain how Troyna & Williams criticise any Language Theorist?
> Problem not WC language but school’s attitudes towards it.
Teachers have speech hierarchy, favouring middle class speech, then working class speech & Black speech.
Explain how Blackstone and Martimore criticise Douglas
WC parents don’t miss Parents Evening voluntarily, but busy at work so don’t have time and put off by middle class atmosphere.
> many WC- want to help child progress but lack knowledge to do so
Define Compensatory Education
> Introduced to tackle cultural deprivation giving resources to schools and communities in deprived areas.
> Come in early at socialisation process to compensate children for deprivation faced at home
Example of TV show used for Compensatory Education as part of what program and what did this provide?
Sesame Street was set up as a part of HeadStart, providing a way to transmit skills needed for Educational Success.
What are the 3 examples of Compensatory Education in the UK?
- Education Priority Areas
- Education Action Zones
- Sure Start.
Define Material Deprivation
MDT-see material deprivation as main cause of underachievement
Poverty and lack of material necessities which prevent educational achievement.
Money problems are a significant factor in younger children’s non-attendance in school.
Material Deprivation Theorists
Material Deprivation
> Flaherty (Money Problems)
Diet and Health
> Howard (Effects of Poor Diet)
Cost of Education
> Flaherty (Free School Meal Stigmitisation)
Fear of Debt
> Calender and Jackson (Working class more debt-averse)
MD-How does Poor Housing affect Educational Achievement in relation to Children’s Health?
Children in crowded homes have more accidents and cold/damp housing means ill-health, thus meaning more absence from school.
MD-Explain Howard findings on how Poor Diet affects WC achievement?
Kids from working class have poorer diets and nutrition, leads to lack of energy and concentration and higher absence rates.
3rd aspect of CD- Working class subculture
> CDT-Sugarman (Fatalism, Collectivism etc and Security of Middle Class Jobs)
argue lack of parental interest in children education reflects the subcultural values of working class.
Large section of working class have different goals, values, attitudes, beliefs as rest of society- so children fail in school.
How is Fear of Debt a factor affecting whether WC are likely to go Uni?
> Uni involves getting in debt, to cover cost of tuition fees
books ands living expenses
Deter WC students from going Uni
What were Calendar and Jackson’s findings on why WC kids were put off from going Uni?
questionnaire- Wc students were debt adverse
>saw debt negatively, uni costly
> Found attitude to debt important when deciding where to apply to Uni
Cultural Capital Sociologists
> Bourdieu
leech and Campos
Who outlined the 3 Types of Capital?
What are the 3 Types of Capital Bourdieu outlined?
- economic capital
- Social capital
- cultural capital
Argues middle class possess all 3 types of capital
How do Leech & Campos believe Educational and Economic Capital are linked together, through their theory of selection by mortgage?
> showed middle class parents likely to afford house in catchment area of school that highly placed in exam league tables
known as ‘selection by mortgage’ because drives up cost of houses near successful schools and excludes working class families
How does Cultural Capital benefit the MC classes in School
> Bourdieu-uses ‘cultural capital’-argues through socialization middle class children acquire ability to express abstract ideas
likely to develop interest & understanding of what education system requires for success
middle class - advantage in school as abilities and interests are highly valued and rewarded with qualifications
Education transmits middle class culture
What were Sullivan’s Findings on Culutral Capital and Success at GCSE?
> Used questionnaires to conducts a survey on 465 pupils in 4 schools assessed cultural capital
asked them about range of activities - reading and TV habits, whether visited art galleries, museums and theatres
found -who read complex fiction and watched TV documentaries developed wider vocabulary’s, greater cultural knowledge thus greater cultural capital
greatest cultural capital- successful at GCSE
What did Sullivan believe Cultural Capital only accounted for part of the differences in achievement??
Those pupils of different classes had same level of cultural capital, middle class people still achieved better
>concluded greater resources and aspirations of middle class families explain remainder of class gap in achievement
Hansley-maternal deprivation
importance of material factors.
argued lack of economic resources -most important factor in determining whether child would stay on in post-compulsory education or not.
argued to reduce class inequalities in education, children from low income families should be given financial support such as grants to encourage students to stay on at schools/college