Identification of Restorations, Dental Materials and Foreign Objects Flashcards
metallic restorations
absorb x-rays
very little radiation comes in contact with the receptor
appear completely radiopaque
amalgam restorations
absorbs x-rays
variety of shapes and sizes
one-surface amalgams
appears as distinct, small, round, or ovoid radiopacities
may appear on buccal, lingual or occlusal surfaces
including lingual of anterior teeth
multi-surface amalgams
appear radiopaque
characterized by irregular outlines or borders
extends beyond occlusal surface to interproximal surface
amalgam overhangs
extensions of amalgam seen beyond the crown portion of a tooth in the interproximal region
disrupts natural cleansing contours of the tooth
traps food and plaque
contributes to bone loss
amalgam fragments
may be inadvertently embedded in adjacent soft tissue during restoration of a tooth
appear as dense radiopacities with irregular borders
gold restorations
appear radiopaque and exhibit a smooth marginal outline
gold crowns and bridges
appear as large radiopaque restorations with smooth contours and regular borders
gold foil restorations
appear as small round radiopacities
stainless steel
appear radiopaque, but not as densely radiopaque as amalgam or gold
outlines and margins appear smooth and regular
not as contoured at the cervical third
thin, do not absorb x-rays as much
non-metallic restorations
may vary in appearance form radiolucent to slightly radiopaque, depending on the density of the material
porcelain restorations
slightly radiopaque and resemble the radiodensity of dentin
a thin radiopaque line outlining the prepared tooth that represents cement may be evident through the slightly radiopaque porcelain crown
composite restorations
vary in appearance depending on the composition of the composite material
radiographs and visual exam
acrylic restorations
often used as an interim or temporary crown or filling
least dense of all nonmetallic restorations
appears radiolucent or barely visible on a dental image
base materials
used as cavity liners placed on the floor of a cavity preparation to protect the pulp
appear radiopaque, less radiodense than amalgam