Idade Média Flashcards
qual o período da idade média?
do século V ao XV
quais as caraterísticas da idade média?
- poder descentralizado
- marcado por revoltas e pela peste
- crescimento do comércio
- formação de um estado
o que é o feudalismo?
organização social com o poder descentralizado nas mãos do senhor feudal e do rei
quais as principais características da igreja medieval?
- instituição detentora de grande poder
- baixo e alto clero
- combatia a todo pensamento contrário ao ideal da igreja levando a criação do tribunal da santa inquisição
baixo clero: padres e monges copistas
alto clero: para e bispo
quais as características da sociedade medieval?
- imobilidade social
- servos, nobres, senhores feudais, clero e rei
- relação de vassalo e suserano
What is the time period commonly referred to as the Middle Ages?
The Middle Ages is commonly considered to span from the 5th to the late 15th century.
True or False: The Middle Ages is divided into three main periods: Early, High, and Late Middle Ages.
Fill in the blank: The fall of the ________ in 476 AD is often cited as the beginning of the Middle Ages.
Western Roman Empire
Which significant event marked the end of the Middle Ages?
The fall of Constantinople in 1453 is often considered the end of the Middle Ages.
What was the primary social structure of the Middle Ages?
Multiple Choice: Which of the following was a major religious institution during the Middle Ages? A) The Church of England B) The Catholic Church C) The Orthodox Church D) All of the above
D) All of the above
What was the significance of the Magna Carta, signed in 1215?
The Magna Carta limited the power of the king and established certain legal rights.
True or False: The Middle Ages saw the rise of universities and the growth of intellectual life.
What was the primary economic activity during the Middle Ages?
Which architectural style is most associated with the Middle Ages?
Gothic architecture