ID Patterns - 12 channels theory Flashcards
Syndromes of Lung Channel:
Local: shoulder and arm, Quepen - supraclavicular fossa - pain, Pain numbness or tingling along pathway
Organ: Cough and asthma, nose diseases - breathing, dryness,
Local: shoulder and arm, Quepen - supraclavicular fossa - pain, Pain numbness or tingling along pathway
Organ: Cough and asthma, nose diseases - breathing, dryness,
Syndromes of Lung Channel:
Syndromes of Large Intestine Channel:
Local: Shoulder and arm diseases, tennis elbow, swollen and painful gums, bleeding gums, nosebleeds
Organ: Respiratory symptoms, BM disorders: constipation, Nosebleed, Ears: hearing issues
Local: Shoulder and arm diseases, tennis elbow, swollen and painful gums, bleeding gums, nosebleeds
Organ: Respiratory symptoms, BM disorders: constipation, Nosebleed, Ears: hearing issues
Syndromes of Large Intestine Channel:
Syndromes of Stomach Channel:
Local: frontal headache, lower body pain, tibialis anterior, anterior body
Organ: Digestion disorders, Hiccups, distention and fullness of abdomen, constipation, toothache, mania,
Local: frontal headache, lower body pain, tibialis anterior, anterior body
Organ: Digestion disorders, Hiccups, distention and fullness of abdomen, constipation, toothache, mania,
Syndromes of Stomach Channel:
Syndromes of Spleen Channel:
Local: lower body pain, along pathway, abd. Pain and distention
Organ: Digestion disorders, water metabolism disorder, Menstrual problems, vaginal discharge
Local: lower body pain, along pathway, abd. Pain and distention
Organ: Digestion disorders, water metabolism disorder, Menstrual problems, vaginal discharge
Syndromes of Spleen Channel:
Syndromes of Heart Channel:
Local: inside arm and shoulder pain, chest pain, red eyes, painful and swollen tongue
Organ: insomnia, Palpitations, painful urination
Local: inside arm and shoulder pain, chest pain, red eyes, painful and swollen tongue
Organ: insomnia, Palpitations, painful urination
Syndromes of Heart Channel:
Syndromes of Small intestine Channel:
Local: Pain posterior shoulder and arm pain, and up into the neck
Organ: painful urination, separating clear and turbid, painful urination, edema, cloudy urination, constipation diarrhoea, ABD. Distention, genital disorders
Local: Pain posterior shoulder and arm pain, and up into the neck
Organ: painful urination, separating clear and turbid, painful urination, edema, cloudy urination, constipation diarrhoea, ABD. Distention, genital disorders
Syndromes of Small intestine Channel:
Syndromes of UB Channel:
Local: Occipital Headache and stiff neck, erectors, bilateral pain, lower part body pain
Organ: Urination, blood in urine, bed wetting, bladder stones, Calf muscle cramping, posterior sciatic pain, outer asp of ankle, genital disorders
Fluid metabolism: edema
Local: Occipital Headache and stiff neck, erectors, bilateral pain, lower part body pain
Organ: Urination, blood in urine, bed wetting, bladder stones, Calf muscle cramping, posterior sciatic pain, outer asp of ankle, genital disorders
Fluid metabolism: edema
Syndromes of UB Channel:
Syndromes of Kidney Channel:
Local: lower back and knee achy, weakness, Sole of the foot, acheles tendon, inner side of ankle, Coldness along inside of the leg.
Organ: urination issues, genital disorders