icu scores Flashcards
which is the oldest icu scoring system?
most current versiojn of APACHE
what are the 3 components of the APACHE score
acute physiology score
chronic health
time frame of physiological variables used in apache
24 hours
time frame of physiological mvariables in saps
first hour
name some severity of illness scores
number of physiology variables inj saps
in addition to mortality p[rediction what edxtra bdata can be predicted by mpm?
duration of icu stay
specialty of saps 3
adjusted for geographical regions
extra information given by apache 4
APACHE IV has equations for predicting hospital and ICU mortality, hospital and ICU length of stay, duration of mechanical ventilation, and need for active therapy.
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which set of patients are not considered by these scores
burn,cardiac surgerey
comment on the discrimination power of the common icu scores
all of the icu scores have excellent discrimination with the highest being icnarc and apacxhe 4
what is smr
ratio of observed mnortality to expected mortality .
used mainly to treack a icus performance over time.
what are the organ dysfunction scores ?
sofa,lods, mods
what is the main difference in the organ dysfunction scores /
SOFA uses blood pressure and the level of vasoactive support (maximum amount of vasoactive or inotropic drugs in continuous IV perfusion). ◆ MODS uses a composed variable, the pressure-adjusted heart rate (PAR, the product of the heart rate (HR) multiplied by
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ratio of the central venous pressure (CVP) to the mean arterial pressure (HR × CVP / MAP)). ◆ LOD score uses the heart rate and the systolic blood pressure. A comparison among them, suggests that the MODS and the SOFA scores are both reliable outcome predictors, but the cardiovascular dysfunction/failure is better related to outcome with the SOFA score than with the MODS score [8]. It is also easier to compute.
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