ICT Month 3 | 2016 Flashcards
When looking at IOF what should I focus on?
Think like Market efficiency paradigm. I am the MM so I am loooking for where the liquidity is resting (maximum level of liquidity) in the relationship to where market has traded from & where is now?
What does mean market is trading efficiently?
Where ever there si ablack candle there has to be green candle.
IF there is expansion lower offering sell side liquidity meaning there has to be makret offering some buy side delivery (upside). If offered sell side delivery (lower) so to bealance it out they have to offer green candles.
Why should I focus on the bodies of the candles?
Bodies of the candles is where all of the Volume is. Institutional Volume.
Wicks are always going to be directly related to Retail. Bodies are Institutional.
That is also the reason why run on liquidity is considered also when price trades only below the bodies of the candles on a swing low.
How can the Institutional Order Flow be defined?
By looking at the Monthly, Weekly, Daily TF.
Why are FVGs sometimes going to stay open?
If they are coupled with the EQ of a graded price swing or BRK is the reason why many times the FVG is most likely going to stay left open or not fully filled.
What is relationship between buy curve and sell curve?
Everything that occurs on buy curve occurs on the sell curve.
Down close candles on buy curve that are ares where SM is buying and on sell side of the curve that is where they are going to be selling.
How do I know where SM was buying on Buy curve? Because of the expansion higher.
*Bullish OB from buy curve - SM buying - they are going to UN - DO the longs on the sell side of the curve.
Everything on the bank level is a hedge. Between market extremes there is hedging gooing one.
Is stop hunt below the bodies of the candles enough?
Stop hunt below the bodies of the candles is considered a stop hunt.
In which candles is SM buying and in which selling?
- Down close candles: SM is buying
- Up close candles: SM is selling
Because their positions are so large they are going to be getting in prior to the market turn.
But how can I know that SM was buying there or Selling there? becausae of the EXPASNION that takes place afterward.
What is going on on the sell curve?
On the sell curve they have to take the orders off that they used on the buy curve to go long. That is why I see price go into small rnages on sell curve inside bullish OB from buy curve.
Everything is a mirror, what ever SM used to go long, they are going to undo that on sell curve.
What is occurring inside of the mitigation block?
Price retraces into the mitigation block to un do the shorts (example). As price trades into the range from mitigation high to open. That is the are where SM is going to mitigate shorts and buy more.
After mitigation I should see explosive price higher because of buying More & turning shorts into longs.
- BRK and Mitigation blocks are pure form of mitigation
What are nested PD arrays…give one example…
Nested PD arrays for example are daily bullish OB inside of the weekly bullish OB.
On Which TF are Large funds?
Large funds are operating on M & W TF. That are funds that are controling billions.
Daily will trade to M & W Liquidity pool. IOF is seeking lrage institutional liquidity that could be seen on M & W TF I can see that traded to on Daily TF.
How does Institutional Sponsorship in Long Setups look:
- HTF Price Displacement: Note the HTF displacement & that can come in form of Reversal Expansion or Return to Fair Value.
- Intermediate Term Imbalance in Price - move to Discount or Sell Side Liquidity Run. price retracing or going below STL to purge liquidity.
- Short Term Buy Side Liquidity Above the Market: BSL is ideal for pairing long exits to sell to
- Time of Day influence ideal. London Open Low of day or NY Low formation.
*Number 1 & 2 are criteria fo the expectation of Institutional Sponsorship.
How does Institutional Sponsorship in Short Setups look:
- Higher Time Frame Dispalcement that - could be in a form of Reversal, Expansion or Return to Fair Value
- Intermediate Term Imbalance in Price - price Move to Premium or Buy Side Liquidity Run
- Short Term Sell Side Liquidity Below the Market - target, ideal for pairing short exits to buy from
- Time of Day Influence - London Open High of Day or New York High Formation.
What is Institutional Sponsorship?
It is the willingness to protect an underlying price swing that has high probability of unfolding. Impac tof large Institutions, Banks, coming in to fund the side of the marketplace that I anticipate seeing it t run to.
What do I need to do after I see HTF Displacement?
After I see a HTF displacement I have to go back to where did that move begin. Everything has to have a ORIGIN or beginning. That HTF Displacement has to have a Origin Price Level which I can clasify as Institutional Sponsorship level.
How can I Identify Institutional Sponsorship at specific price level?
To identify institutional sponsorship at a particular price levl I need to see immediate dynamic response after price trades to that level.
If it is NOT dynamic and it is rather lathargic lazy reaction that means there is NO Institutional Orders in that area.
*If I see No dynamic reasponse in a position then I should be removing risk or completely exiting the position.
How do I know that large entity entered the market?
Because of the large displacement higher or lower. Meaning if price now gets back to this level where the displacement has started there should be response higher or lower.
What should occur at the graded price swing levels (25%, 50%, 75%)?
Institutions should support price at those graded price swings.
* At 25% the move is usually pretty quick
* EQ (50%) there is usually conoslidaiton and that is where the trade dea should form.
WHen thinking in terms of PO3 when Daily is bullish?
- buy near the opening on up day taking profit near close.
On which Obs should I be using?
On OB that are paired with any other Institutional Reference pOint for example old high.
In relationship to time which OBs on Intraday TF are going to be high probability?
Use the OBs from Previous day or maybe 3 sessions ago. I could be buying or selling those OB because they are going to be used for accumulation.
Ideally using OBs from NY or London Session.
Who is moving the Monthly chart?
Monthly chart is only going to mvoe with the great deal of money behind it. big ranges on Monthly are going to be created by SM. Think about OHLC of each Monthly candle over the last 3 monthy (IPDA 60 trading days lookback).
*Think about each monthy OHLC.
What Is Institutional Market Structure?
- Analysis of correlated assets or the relationship to inversly correlated assets
- The purpose is to determine what the “Smat Money” is accumulating or distributing.
- Currencies are easy to analyse with Institutional Market Strucutre with use of DXY
- Every price swing should be studied to determine if Market Symmetry confirms it
How can I identify Institutional Market Structure in Forex?
- Compre every price swing in DXY with the Foreign Currency I trade.
- As USDX trades higher expect a lower price swing in Foreign Currency Pairs.
**3. If USDX or Foreign Currency fails to move symmectrically - SM is trading
**4. As USDX trades lower expect a higher price swing in currency.
5. If USDX & Foreign currency Fail to move symmetrically - SM is trading.
What is symmetrical market structure telling me (EU vs DXY)?
- DXY Lower Low
- EU Higher High
This confirms current PA, trend is likely to CONTINUE.
Reversals are low probability in this case - Avoid trading reversals in this case.
When DXY makes LL while foreign HH -> that confirms down move
What is the connection between Turtle Soup and Symmetrical Market?
DXY LL while EU HH.
If price would now want to above the STH in DXY that is most likely going to be a Turtle Soup because EU is confirming lower prices in DXY by making a Higher High. (same goes if EU makes a turtle soup below STL)
DXY HH while EU LL.
If price would now want to trade below the STL in DXY that is most likely going to be a Turtle Soup because EU is confirming higher prices in DXY by making a Lower Low. (same is if EU makes a turtle soup above STH)
- if DXY & EU confirm the PA meaning DXY LL & foreign HH then the trend is most likely going to continue
- If price does come above the STH on DXY (same goes for STL on foreign) then it is most likely going to be stop hunt.
If DXY makes a higher high and EU is confirming Market Structure trends are likely to continue and if DXY trades below the STL that is most likely going to be a stop hunt.
What is NON - symmetrical market structure telling me (EU vs DXY)?
USDX makes LL - EU fails to create HH (creates LH)
This does NOT confirm the current PA & underlying trend is NOT likely to continue.
Reversals are high probability.
*LH on EU is indicating DXY is most likely going below STL for accumulatin of Longs (wipe out the sell stops). EU in this case showing a Failure Swing which is weakness.
What to assume when DXY crates Lower High and EU creates Lower Low?
- It is showing weakenss in DXY
- Reversals are high probability - the trend is most likely NOT going to continue.
- The foreign currency going below old low for accumulation of shorts which is confirmed by LH on DXY. Turtle Soup on EU confirmed by LH on DXY
Where are good ares to anticipate SMT?
Anticipate SMT forming at Key PD arrays and it is my signal of professional accumulation and distribution.
What is it telling me when GU created HH while DXY created HL?
SMT is occurring as GU is trading into the old key STH -> SM Selling above the STH (old) & SMT with DXY confirms that.
At the STH SM is going to Sell Their longs & add to their shorts.
*GU is beeing distributed at the old high while DXY is beeing accumulating creating HL. Strength on DXY as it can not go lower. DXY cna not go lower / the only reason is that being accumulated while Premium is being build into GU (SMT)
Which is the ICT secret tool to determening macro perspective?
ZB. Macro perspective meaning i have to be focusing on the D TF and D TF only. ICT using ZB to determine long term market direction. Long term talking about 3 to 6 monthy direction on the currencies.
What is ICT anticipating every 3 to 4 months?.
Every 3 to 4 months there is usually a quarterly Shift that takes place. Usually a reversal or extended period of consolidation after that continuation or reversal.
Every 3 to 4 Months ICT looking for a Shift in Market Place.
How can I use ZB to determine what DXY will do?
ZB higher - interest Rates lower - DXY lower
ZB lower - interest Rates higher - DXY higher
Compare the ZB to DXY for SMT and that is going to confirm market accumulation or distribution (Interest Rate Divergance).
If I am anticipating higher prices on DXY where should I look otherwise to see if the buy idea is supported?
USDCAD, USDCHF, USDJPY they should all move in tandem with DXY.
On which three bond markets should I be focusing?
ZB, ZN and ZF. Compare the highs and lows on them for SMT.
How can I determine where market is going to trade in the next 3 to 6 months?
By looking at the Daily Chart on DXY and comparing it to ZB and ZN. Look at ZB and ZN for SMT and compare that to the DXY.
Interest Rates control everything in financial markets
What is Diagonal Trendline Support?
- Market begins to make HH and HL
- Market appears to have a imaginary line it seems to repeal higher from
- Retail Traders will extend these imaginary lines into the future and attribute support theory to it.
- when price hits imaginary diagonal line - Retail buy then.
What is Diagonal Trendline Resistance?
- MMakret begin to make LH and LL
- Market appears to have a imaginary diagonal line it seems to repel price lower from
- Retail Traders will extend imaginary lines into future and atribute resistance theories to it
- When price hits imaginary line connecting LH retail will short then.
Does price respect Trendline Liqudity?
Price only respects where the liquidity is in the market place and because SM can NOT see me they only know where the liquidity is on a large scale. Meaning where is the buying interest or selling interest in the market place in the form of BSL, SSL- That is the ONLY thing that makes price move.
Is price going higher based on the SM book being bullish or is price going lower because SM book is bearish.
I DO NOT subscribe to down trendlines or up trendlines to formulate Ideas to where price is most likely to go.
Do Banks give any value to trendlines?
They DO NOT put absoultely any value on trendline or diagonal Trendline. Banks are only aware of “Sentiment” that builds around trendlines and diagonal trendlines. Funds will get beat up -> that is the basis of traing. Large traders Liquidity & Funds Liquidity that is what SM is going to Target. Markets go for large funds Liquidity.
What is Retail: bullish trendline support telling me?
- Retail will think that this trendling is support.
- Trendline provides liquidity for the MM as uninformed Money is going to be placing buy orders.
- The chart may appear bullish but it is the oppositte.
- THe retail crowd will buy at a moment when price will be touching trendline (Point 1, 2, 3). Price will many times collapse and leave Retail Trader long with drawdown.
How Will ICT sell the bullish Trendline Support?
When the trendline is touched 3 times often ICT will aim at HIGH between low 2 and low 3 and look for bearish OB to go short on OR anticipate TURTLE Soup on that high especially when HTF Is beairsh. But LTF will many times paint this up-trend diagonal.
Many times that HIGH (between low 2 & low 3) ICT will aim for sell scenario -OB or Turtle Soup or even look for BRK.
HTF is alwaysgoing to lead the way. Focusing on HTF DP arrays and then on LTF focus on Phantom Liquidity trendlines.
What is Retail: bearish trendline support telling me?
- when price making LL & LH retail will look at this as Trendline resistance.
- Trendline provides Market Makers with the dumb Money Liquidity
- The chart may apper bearish but it is exactly the opposite
- Retail will sell at the moment when price will touch trendline Resistance. price will rally higher and leave Retail Trader in Drawdown.
How Will ICT buy the bullish Trendline Support?
At the LOW between high 2 & high 3 ICT is going to be looking for a reason to be a buyer at that low. looking for a bullish OB or Turtle Soup scenario when HTF is indicating that price is actually bullish.
HTF is alwaysgoing to lead the way. Focusing on HTF DP arrays and then on LTF focus on Phantom Liquidity trendlines.
How is price delivered?
It is delivered to engineer efficiency for SM entities only.
On which TF are banks focusing?
I would be looking at Daily TF to find where liquidity would be because Banks would be focusing exactly on that area.
If I have sell side delivery area only what does price need to do to be efficiently balanced?
Only Sell Side delivery meaning price trading lower adn for price to be efficiently balanced it needs to trade back thru sell side delivery area with buy side delivery.
Price has to be efficiently Balanced after only Sell Side delivery delivered lower and it can be Balanced with Buyside delivery higher.
What are False Top / Bottom Patterns?
False Top & bottom patterns as it relays to Head / Shoulder are classsi csupport & resistance idea is used here. Generall price will form this patternsa at ITH and LTH only.
Retail traders seek this classic topping patterns on LTF:
Inversted Head & Shoulders. False bottom patterny only on ITL and LTL. False Bottom in Price. Retail seeks on LTF and look for classic bottom pattern.