ICT Month 1 | 2016 Flashcards
Learn Month 1 ICT
What are the 4 context points surrounding the trade idea?
- Expansion
- Retracement
- Consolidation (accumulating orders)
- Reversal
Which are 4 Institutional Reference points that can be found in Price Action?
- Orderblocks
- Fair Value Gaps and Liqudity Voids
- Liquidity Pools and Stop Runs
- EQ
What are the 4 stages that the Market can move (continuation2x, reversal etc).
Consolidation -> Expansion -> Consolidation (CONTINUATION)
Consolidation -> Expansion (ALWAYS)
Consolidation -> Expansion -> Retracement -> Expansion (CONTINUATION)
Consolidation -> Expansion -> Reversal -> Expansion -> Consolidation (Reversal)
How does continuation IPDA pattern look like?
Consolidation -> Expansion -> Retracement -> Expansion
How does the Reversal IPDA pattern look like?
Consolidation -> Expansion -> Reversal (Liquidity) -> Expansion
What questions to ask yourself?
- Where is price right now?
- Where is price most likely going to go?
- Where is it coming from?
What is importnat about consolidation?
Consolidaiton is the START of every move, that is where MM are building orders, keeps market in defined range UNTIL there is enough money on both sides of the RANGES. Which every side has more money to absorbe that is the direction price is going to go. IDK which direction that will always but I wait for the first expansion which is going to give me the clue to where price should expand next.
What am I waiting for after the consolidation?
I am waiting for EXPNASION to occur. The first expansion after consolidaiton is going to give me clues what is market most likely be doing.
What to do after First Expansion out of consolidation?
Wait for either retracement, reversal or another consolidaiton. BUT ALWAYS wait for the first expansion and if it expands too far then wait for retracement.
Explain Expansion?
*Price quickly moves away from level of EQ
* Expansion is paired with bullish OB. OB creates the expansion.
When price leaves a level to quickly that is a SIGN of willingness on the MM side to reveal their intended direction.
If price is in consolidation and then it expands quickly I would be looking for a bullish OB near the EQ of the consolidaiton.
Looking at the bullish OB that has been left behind near the EQ of the consolidaiton based on the bodies
Explain Retracement?
*Price moves back inside hte recently created range.
*When price returns back to inside of the recent range this indicates a willingness on the part of MMs to reprice to levels that are NOT efficiently traded for Fair Value
- What to look for? Fair Value Gaps and Liqudity Voids (Inefficiencies)
Real quick Expansions will usually create a range where price would want to come back for rebalancing.
Quick suddent momvent higher or lower -> there is going to be infficiencie areas -> price will tend to retrace to close those ranges.
After rebalancing the FVG (retracement) price will tend to move in its intended direction.
Explain Reversal?
Reversal is when price moves in the opposite direction. The current direction is taken
When price reverses direction it indicates the MMs have ran a levle of Stops nad a significant move in other direction should take place.
What to look in Price? Liqudity pools above old highs and below old lows.
Before signficiant move there is ALWAYS going to be some measure of STOP hunt.
Explain Consolidation?
Price is moving inside of the clear defined range. NO sign of moving higher or lower.
Indicating the MMs are allowing Orders to build up & I should anticipate expasnion near term higher or lower.
Wait for impulsive move or swing price away from EQ (50% of the consolidaiton based on BODIES of the candles.)
Define the Daily Range?
Expansion = Judas Swing London
Retracement = New York Session
Reversal = London Swing
Consolidation = Asian Range
How does the daily range start?
Everyday starts with some measure of consolidaiton (Asian Range).
What is after the initial asia consolidation?
There is manipulation that takes place (EXPANSION) in form of Judas swing. Making the high or low in London for a reversal.
What occurs after manipulation in london?
Thereis another expansion move into NY Session.
When is the second consolidation?
Usually after the end of LOKZ there is consolidation where price will consoolidate between 5AM to 7AM. OR price will even have a consolidation into the 8AM to 8:30AM.
What is occuring at 8:00AM to 8:30?
There is usually some form of consolidaiton. Then at 8:30 price will have injection of liqudity (expansion) or reversal. And then another leg of expansion going into LCKZ.
What is characteristics LCKZ?
LCKZ is another market reversal profile. I anticipate opposite end of the daily range to be created and after LCKZ price should enter another stage of consolidaiton.
Define the Daily Range Structure?
- Starts with Equilibrium or consolidation (Asian Range)
- Manipulation on some news event (always) at the time of manipulation or just before it. That is the judas swing After NY midnight
- Range expansion after the london creates high or low and expansion should take place till 5AM
- 5AM to 8AM market will go in some measure of consolidation
- New york retracement between 8AM and 8:30AM then reversal or expansion move.
- 10AM to 11AM during LCKZ market will usually create the opposite end of the daily range, meaning reversing back to retrace into the daily range.
- Consolidation ending True Day.
When is manipulation going to take place related to news time?
There is going to be some form of MANIPULATION at the news event or just before it.
What is the other characteristic of LCKZ beside reversal and creating the opposide end of the daily range?
It can be used to get in sync with the HTF IOF.
Define the classic London Condition?
London is all about judas swing.
- Consolidation
- Expansion (manipulation) into the liqudity pool and HTF PD array.
- Reversal
- Expansion.
How does the delivery of price start?
Delivery of price always starts with a measure of consolidaiton as that is where orders are building. MMs are letting orders build on both sides of the ranges.
Consolidaiton -> Expansion ALWAYS.
What are the two forms of IPDA algo delivery? (continuation, reversal)
Consolidation -> Expansion -> Retracement -> Expansion
Consolidation -> Expansion -> HTF PD Array -> Reversal -> Expansion -> Consolidation.