iCEV Plant Science Part 4 Flashcards
Required in a relatively large proportion for the growth and development of plants
Nutrients required in a smaller amount
Source of plant nutrients used to supply one or more of the essential nutrient elements to the plant
Fertilizer Analysis
Grade of the fertilizer
Water Insoluble Nitrogen
Water Soluble Nitrogen
Complete fertilizer
Contains the three macronutrients: Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium
Incomplete Fertilizer
Missing at least one of the major components of Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium
Special Purpose Fertilizers
Packaged for certain uses or types of plants
Slow Release Fertilizers
Release nutrients at a rate which makes them available to the plants over a long period of time
Organic Fertilizers
Derived solely from the remains or by-products of a once-living organism
Completed by evenly spreading the recommended rate of fertilizer over the growing area
Foliar Feeding
Refers to the application of fertilizers to plant foliage
Any life form that competes for resources or can be dangerous to another’s health
Parasites, sustains life and gains nutrition from another source
Any condition in a plant caused by living and nonliving agents that interferes with its normal growth and development
Any substance that reduces, prevents, repels or eliminates pests
Affect insects
Affect snails
Affect nematodes
Affect rodents
Affect birds
Affect fish
Affect weeds
Affect Funguses
Affect bacteria and disease causing organisms
Kill microorganisms present in the shortest time with no damage to the contaminated substrate
Biorational Pesticides
Considered to be environmentally friendly
Two positively charged hydrogen atoms coupled with a negatively charged oxygen atom which make up one molecule of water
Water sticking to water
Water sticking to other materials
Surface Tension
Effect within the surface layer of the liquid which causes the liquid to assume the shape having the least surface area
Capillary Action
Movement of water within the spaces of a porous material due to the forces of adhesion, cohesion and surface tension
Substances capable of dissolving or dispersing one or more other substances
Hydrophilic Substance
Substance which mixes easily with water
Hydrophobic Substance
Substance which does not mix well with water
Potential of hydrogen measured of a scale of 0 to 14 ( 0 = very acidic, 7 = neutral, 14 = very basic)
Substance with a low pH level, more free hydrogen ions than hydroxyl ions
Substance with a high pH, fewer free hydrogen ions than hydroxyl ions
Specific Heat
Amount of energy required to change the temperature of a substance by 1 degree C
Underground layer of gravel, earth or porous rock which contains water
Water located beneath the earths surface
Groundwater Depletion
Occurs when groundwater is pumped out faster than it is replenished
Water table
Upper surface of groundwater
Land Subsidence
Lowering of the earths crust due to the loss of support from beneath the ground
Surface Water
Any water in the form of rivers, streams, creeks, lakes and reservoirs
Rivers, Streams and Creeks
forms of flowing water which run over the land from a higher elevation
Surface water runoff which has collected in a low spot
Lake created by placing a dam on a river
Areas where water covers soil, or is present at or near the surface for various periods of time during the year
Saline Water
Salt Water
Fresh water
Water containing less than 1,000 milligrams per liter of dissolved solids such as salt
Hydrologic Cycle
Movement and endless circulation of water between the atmosphere and the earth through condensation, precipitation, evaporation and transpiration
Water Storage
Water which is locked in its current state for a relatively long period of time
Process by which water changes from liquid form to a gas or vapor form
visible form of condensed water in the atmosphere
Process by which water vapor in the air is changed into a liquid form
water released from the clouds in the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow or hail
Snow/Ice Runoff
Water released into the the water system due to melting snow and ice
Surface Runoff
Precipitation runoff which travels over the lands surface to the nearest stream or river
Movement of water in a natural channel such as creek, stream or rover
Area of land where all water which falls drains off and goes to the same place
Process by which plants return water to the atmosphere
Loss of water from the soil by both evaporation and transpiration from plants growing on it
Water seeping into the soil (at the surface)
Water moving within the soil (below the surface)
Water flowing naturally from the earth due to the overflow of an aquifer
Water quality
Measure of value of water for a particular use based on the physical, chemical and biological characteristics
Polluted Water
Body of water which is negatively affected by the addition of large amounts of minerals or pathogens
Point Source Pollution
When the contamination can be traced to a specific point of discharge
Non-Point Source Pollution
When the contamination cannot be traced to a specific point of discharge
Measure of sediment or foreign particles stirred up or suspended in a body of water
Sewage, Stormwater or water which has been used for various things in the community
Water Rights
Rights of a person to use water from a particular source whether it is from surface water or groundwater
Area of land between two high points where all water drains to a common area below
Surface which liquid can not pass through
Process of removing material from the earths surface by wind, water or chemical processes
Drainage Pattern
Configuration or Pattern of a water drainage system
Acre Inch
Amount of water required to cover one acre of land with one inch of water
Acre Foot
Amount of water required to cover one acre of land with 12 inches of water
non-point Source Pollutants
Pollutants which originate from a non-specific source which are commonly transported by water runoff
Process of withdrawing or shrinking