ICD Reference Flashcards
Names, years, briefings of studies
Involves difficulties in self-regulation of our thoughts and behavior. SM.WC.TR
Griffiths, 2005, Salience, Mood Modification, Tolerance, Relapse, Withdrawal, Conflict
Burton et al., 2012
Kleptomania Symptom Assessment scale
Dopamine is released when triggered by a rewarding stimuli, Yet when behaviors become compulsive, reduced dopamine in the striatum, Deficiency leads to perpetuation(repeating) of compulsions and addictions.
Comings & Blum, 2000
Gamblers report physical effects, insomnia, muscle weakness, and loss of appetite, which are similar to the withdrawal symptoms of people who have stopped taking drugs like ecstasy and cocaine
Rosenthal et al, 1992, Dopamine Hypothesis relating to ICD [Evidence]
Partial Positive Reinforcement
“Maybe “ is addictive. [?]
ICD - Intensely positive feelings are linked with specific behaviors. These links forms “state-dependent memory” and cause ICD. E.g. Pyromaniacs = Thoughts “I am powerful” + Affect “Excitement” + Physiology “Adrenaline “ + Memory “scene of self setting fire”
Miller, 2010, Feeling-state Theory
Opiates can successfully treat gambling disorder.
Grant, 2008,
Classical Conditioning: pairing unpleasant stimuli such as nausea or an anxiety-producing image with the undesirable behavior and change it.Ø Not very concerned about the origin of the behavior.
Covert Sensitisation [Glover, 2011]
精神上多次经历于是见怪不怪 - Reduce the strength of compulsive drive by reducing levels of psychological and physiological arousal associated with disorders.
Imaginal Desensitization [Blaszczynski & Nower, 2003]
Essentially involving changing distorted thoughts a person has about their behavior.»_space; Directly linked to his feeling-state explanation.
Impulse Control Therapy [Miller, 2010]