I spy with my QE - 3.1 Flashcards
visual perception
Almost half of the cerebral cortex is devoted to vision-related functions.
It follows then that the neural processes that transform visual information into the representations that allow us to perceive the world and interact within it, are central to brain function.
In sport – vision is by far the most important sense (although auditory and tactile information is also important)
This information is needed to successfully make decisions (anticipate) & perform goal-directed actions (movement)
Uiga et al. (2015) - Acquiring visual information for locomotion by older adults
older people focus couple of steps in front
Gaze direction can be calculated by comparing the relative position and the relationship between the pupil (A) and corneal reflection – the glint (C).
Infra- red illumination of the eye produces the ‘bright pupil’ effect (B) and makes the tracking easier
overlaid with video
eye movements and gaze control
Gaze is maintained on objects or locations for sufficient time to allow information to be processed
Within 3 degrees of visual angle for 100ms or longer
(NB at least 180 ms needed to see an object and initiate a simple movement).
ends when deviate
Eyes move quickly from one location to another
Rapid jumps – bring new part of visual field into foveal vision
Range in duration from 60ms to 100ms
Saccades are the fastest type of eye movement, (max vel. of 500 degrees per second
We cannot pick up information during a saccade (saccadic suppression) - reason why all of our perceptions are different
eye movement metrics
no. fixations
gaze/fixation duration
scan path
no. of fixations
a concentration of a large number of fixations in a certain area may be related to a user’s interest in the object or detail presented in that area when viewing a scene.
gaze/fixation duration
gaze is defined as a number of consecutive fixations in an area of interest.
Gaze duration is the total of fixation durations in a particular area
longer for experts
scan path
the scan path is a line connecting consecutive fixations.
It can be revealing of a viewer’s visual exploration strategies and is often very different in experts and novices.
PCE in sport: a meta-analysis
Mann et al (2007)
systematic diffs in visual search behavs also observed, with experts using fewer fixations of longer duration, including prolonged QE periods, compared with non-experts
Mann et al (2007)
Expert-novice differences in Visual Search Strategy have been found in a range of sport settings including: racquet sports, baseball and volleyball
- Experts are better than non-experts in picking up perceptual cues, as revealed by measures of response accuracy and response time.
- Systematic differences in visual search behaviours; with experts using fewer fixations of longer duration, (including prolonged quiet eye periods), compared with non-experts.
- Several factors (e.g., sport type, research paradigm employed, and stimulus presentation modality) significantly moderated the relationship between level of expertise and perceptual-cognitive skill.
Mann et al (2007) - point 2
Experts (generally) have a lower search rate:
– Fewer and longer fixations
– Less scattered / More efficient
Expert athletes use their rich knowledge base to pick out the most salient aspects of the display.
In addition, lower search rates are associated with less saccadic suppression (and hence more time to process relevant information; Moran et al. 2002)
search rate
number of fixations / mean duration of fixations
visuo-motor control
Movements are guided by vision
Movements are more accurate when guided by accurate vision
Gaze tends to rest on a target before motor act is initiated and this visual information is used to guide action
The neural mechanisms regulating goal-directed movements profit from the accurate and timely spatial information of the foveated target