I Need To Think About It Flashcards


I need to just think about it:


“Ok I understand, let me ask you this though…
What do you need to think about exactly, because you told me earlier that you wanted to take action towards your goals today.

Correct? Ok

And in my experience, this comes down to one of three things (the 3 Fs)…

So let’s start here…

Do you feel like the program and my coaching is a good FIT?
(Let them talk)

Ok great…

Do you feel like the FEATURES and blueprint of the program is what you need?
(Let them talk)

Ok great…

Lastly, is the investment something you feel good about taking action on?
Ok… so it’s the FINANCIAL side of things?
(Let them talk)

Gotcha and I completely understand…

Can I ask you a question?

“If the PROGRAM gets you to the goals we chatted about

Like… (REPEAT THEIR GOALS TO THEM) - “Get to $XX/month, etc”

And it allows you to be more fulfilled and enhances your current situation, is it worth the investment?”
(Let them talk)

Ok then…

Is it mainly a thing about trust then right? Is not about the finances, or the features, or that it isn’t a good fit.
You mainly want to make sure that you trust Freedom Breakthrough enough for us to deliver on the promises?
(Let them talk)

I get you, and completely understand.
That is the exact spot that our clients like XYZ were in, and I remember when they were in the exact same spot as you are right now.

But they did make the jump and now they are here: (repeat some success stories from our clients)

Let’s get this going and let’s freaking dominate and get you from where you are today to where you want to be!!!!!!

This is where change takes place NAME, and this is where Client Success Pathway will help you to accomplish more than you could all by yourself…
Sound fair enough?

(Silence!!!!!! LET THEM TALK)

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