I Make $100K Walking Your Dog In NYC | On The Job (CNBC Make it) Flashcards
(He has a paper-based planing system) If there’s a mistake or cancellation or an add-on I have to scribble it out.
scribble -> 本身是指塗鴉
scribble it out -> 應該就是劃掉之類的
A good dog walker is focused, attentive.
paying close attention to something.
And then I will take an evening shift which is like 2-3 hours.
An evening shift is a work period that typically spans the late afternoon and evening. 總之就是可能白天工作一下,然後下午休息一下,然後evening再工作一下
I can easily pull in 6 figures after taxes.
succeed in securing or obtaining something.
I can make more but I kind of settled on just maybe 100k a year and low stress.
My chore as an adolescent was walking the dog
chore -> a routine task, especially a household one.
adolescent -> teenager
Or you drop the leash
The dog’s tail gets caught in the door
Just the expression
You have to pick up the poop. This is the most glamorous aspect of the job.
attractive or appealing. (I literally don’t understand, is this sarcasm?)
For dog, it means 項圈
Sometimes I’ll have like an unusual request one example is I want my dogs to always be wearing its boots. That’s something I’ll just turn them down.
We as humans have allowed ourselves to drift farther away from the earth.
(He was saying dogs want to feel the earth) If you put your boots on dogs then you’re severing that connection.
divide by cutting or slicing, especially suddenly and forcibly.
you want your apartment clean at the expense of your dog’s happiness
(A small dog) He prances. He’s kind of macho like he doesn’t think that he’s small.
Prance: to walk in an energetic way and with more movement than necessary
Macho: 指男生很跩,就覺得自己很有男子氣概的那種
You have people looking over your shoulder all the time. (He was talking about more and more owners put cameras and dog trackers on dogs)
to worry or think about the possibility that something bad might happen, that someone will try to cause harm, etc.
It makes it a little bit more stressful to actually handle the dogs if the owners are always like hounding you
Chase. 他這個YouTube裡面的例子是說他在walk dogs的時候有些owner就會一直text他,所以這個hounding有些追著他跑的意思
At least half the walkers I know had to fold shop.
What I think is happening is we are becoming more technologically inclined.
to lean
They put their dogs inside baby strollers and wheel them around.
So where do they put their affection and their need to touch?
a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.
There’s less human interaction. then where they put their emotional outlet . so they start investing more money on their pet.
a method by which emotions, energy, or abilities can be expressed.
More examples:
Her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents.
Writing poetry was his only form of emotional outlet.