Breanna Jan 18 2023 Flashcards
tote bag
I am wearing this cause it’s cozy but also school vides.
Cozy -> giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation.
It’s no doubt going to be my hardest course of the year, they stress this like 30 times. It’s totally ingrained in my memory now.
Stress -> give particular emphasis or importance to (a point, statement, or idea) made in speech or writing.
Ingrain -> 根深蒂固
Now I think we’re supposed to dedicate 60 to 70 percent of our study time in a week to this course alone and its lab.
dedicate -> devote (time, effort, or oneself) to a particular task or purpose. 奉獻
So I’m hoping my interest in the subject can help outweigh some of the nerves that I’m getting.
outweigh -> 超過
but my lectures are online so my profs won’t actually be at the lecture hall, so everyone gets to kind of like, sleep in today.
remain asleep or in bed later than usual in the morning.
I really like the work we’re doing and I’m interested to see it all come to fruition.
fruition LITERARY -> the state or action of production fruit
the point at which a plan or project is realized.
I know nothing so I’m a little bit apprehensive to get started.
anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
ambiance lighting
ambiance -> 氣氛
imposter syndrome
imposter -> 冒名頂替者
syndrome -> 綜合徵
you don’t feel like you deserve your accomplishments. You’re a fraud.
My first step to overcoming imposter syndrome is just acknowledging that what I’m experiencing is a phenomenon in itself.
acknowledging -> accept or admit the existence or truth of.
I just need to keep reiterating that to myself.
Say positive affirmations.
emotional support or encouragement.
(She’s busy) But I also had to cut out things of my normal routine.
Just a re-cap on how the first week of pharmacy school went.
a summary of what has been said; a recapitulation.
That’s is the biggest aspect.
I think she means that’s is the biggest point?
I think what I’m most anxious about is actually the social aspect of it?
I feel like with school I just need me to put my head down and really work hard.
to direct all your efforts into the particular task you are involved in. 埋頭苦幹
I still haven’t gotten the hang of meal prep
get the hang of -> to begin to understand or manage at a basic level; to learn to handle with some skill.