I&D - Holism and reductionism Flashcards
What is the opposite to reductionism?
What is the opposite to holism?
With respect to a behaviour such as memory or mental disorder, perceiving the whole experience rather than the individual features and/or the relations between them.
An approach that breaks complex phenomena into more simple components, implying that this is desirable because complex phenomena are best understood in terms of a simpler level of explanation.
What is important about the levels of explanation in reductionism?
(What do they mean/what are the levels?)
The reductionist approach suggests that explanations begin at the highest level and progressively look at component elements:
- Highest level: cultural and social explanations of how our social groups affect our behaviour.
- Middle level: psychological explanations of behaviour.
- Lower level: biological explanations of how hormones and genes, etc. affect our behaviour.
We can consider any behaviour in terms of all three levels.
What is the highest level of explanation in the reductionist approach in psychology?
Cultural and social explanations of how our social groups affect our behaviour.
What is the middle level of explanation in the reductionist approach in psychology?
Psychological explanations of behaviour.
What is the lowest level of explanation in the reductionist approach in psychology?
Biological explanations of how hormones and genes, etc. affect our behaviour.
How can memory be explained in terms of all three levels of explanation (reductionist approach)?
Social level in terms of how cultural expectations affect what we remember.
Psychological level in terms of episodic memories (memories of events in a person’s life).
Biological level in terms of the areas of the brain where the memories are stored (hippocampus and temporal lobe) and the neurotransmitters involved in forming memories (e.g. acetylcholine).
How can memory be explained in terms of the social (highest) level of explanation (reductionist approach)?
Social level in terms of how cultural expectations affect what we remember.
How can memory be explained in terms of the psychological (middle) level of explanation (reductionist approach)?
Psychological level in terms of episodic memories (memories of events in a person’s life).
How can memory be explained in terms of the biological (lowest) level of explanation (reductionist approach)?
Biological level in terms of the areas of the brain where the memories are stored (hippocampus and temporal lobe) and the neurotransmitters involved in forming memories (e.g. acetylcholine).
Which type of reductionism is a popular way of explaining mental illness?
Biological reductionism.
What are the 3 types of reductionism?
Biological reductionism.
Environmental (stimulus-response) reductionism.
Experimental reductionism.
Why must human behaviour be able to be explained at the biological level of explanation?
Since all animals are made up of atoms - behaviour can be reduced to a physical level.
What do biological psychologists reduce behaviour to?
Biological reductionism.
The action of neurons, neurotransmitters, hormones, etc.
Give an example where biological reductionism is present in psychology
A popular way to explain mental illness is in terms of such biological units.
It has been suggested that schizophrenia is caused by excessive activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine because drugs that block this neurotransmitter reduce the symptoms of this disorder.
What do behaviourist psychologists reduce behaviour to?
Environmental reductionism.
A simple relationship between behaviour and events in the environment. Behaviourist explanations suggest that all behaviour can be explained in terms of simple stimulus-response links.
What do behaviourist explanations suggest about behaviour?
Behaviourist explanations suggest that all behaviour can be explained in terms of simple stimulus-response links.
Give an example where environmental reductionism is present in psychology
Attachment - The complex emption of attachment is reduced to a set of probabilities: the mother is likely to provide food which is reinforcing (reduces discomfort). Hence, she is a rewarding individual and so becomes a ‘loved one’.
What type of reductionism refers to behaviourist explanations?
Environmental (stimulus-response) reductionism.
What does experimental reductionism reduce behaviour to?
Reduces complex behaviours to isolated variables.
Why do experimental reductionists reduce complex behaviours to isolated variables?
Because it is a useful strategy for conducting research.
What does experimental reductionism underly?
The experimental approach where behaviours are reduced to operationalised variables that can be manipulated and measures to determine causal relationships.