I&D - Ethical implications of research study and theory Flashcards
Socially sensitive research
Any research that might have direct social consequences for the ppts in the research or the group that they represent.
Who produced a landmark paper on the issues related to research that has social consequences?
Sieber and Stanley (1988).
What did Sieber and Stanley point out which made them produce their paper as a way forward?
They pointed out that the ethical guidelines produced by the American Psychological Association referred to the social implications of research but offered no advice about how such ethical issues might be resolved.
What were the 4 aspects in the research process that Sieber and Stanley identified where ethical issues with social consequences may occur?
- The research question.
- Conduct of research and treatment of ppts.
- The institutional context.
- Interpretation and application of findings.
Why might social consequence occur in the research question?
Simply asking a research question (such as ‘are there racial differences in IQ?’ or ‘is homosexuality inherited?’) may be damaging to members of a particular racial group or sexual orientation because it appears to add scientific credibility to the prevailing prejudice.
Why might social consequence occur in the conduct of research and treatment of ppts?
The main concern is the confidentiality of the information collected (e.g. if a ppt confesses to a crime, should confidentiality be maintained?).
Why might social consequence occur in the institutional context?
Research may be funded and managed by private institutions who may misuse the data or may misunderstand the data that is produced (All Trials Campaign). The media may obtain reports of such research and misreport the findings.
Why might social consequence occur in the interpretation and application of findings?
Research findings may be used for purposes other than originally intended. For example, the development of IQ tests by psychologists was subsequently used to demonstrate the inferiority of certain groups of people and was also used to identify the ‘feeble-minded’ who could then be sterilised (a practice in the US in the early 20th century).
What were the 10 ethical issues that Sieber and Stanley identified that relate to socially sensitive research?
- Privacy.
- Confidentiality.
- Valid methodology.
- Deception.
- Informed consent.
- Equitable treatment.
- Scientific freedom.
- Ownership of data.
- Values.
- Risk/benefit ratio.
Who came up with 10 ethical issues that relate to socially sensitive research?
Sieber and Stanley.
Explain the ethical issue of privacy identified by Sieber and Stanley
During the research process, a skilled investigator may extract more information from ppts than they intended to give, Some research (e.g. AIDS research) may lead to social policies that are an invasion of people’s private lives (e.g. through compulsory testing).
Explain the ethical issue of confidentiality identified by Sieber and Stanley
Ppts may be less willing to divulge information in the future if confidentiality is breached and further related research would be compromised.
Explain the ethical issue of valid methodology identified by Sieber and Stanley
In cases of poor methodology (and therefore invalid findings), scientists may be aware of these problems, but the media and the public may not, and thus poor studies might shape important social policy to the detriment of those groups represented by the research.
Explain the ethical issue of deception identified by Sieber and Stanley
Includes self-deception whereby research may lead people to form untrue stereotypes (e.g. believing that women are less good at maths), which then affects one’s own performance.
Explain the ethical issue of informed consent identified by Sieber and Stanley
Potential ppts may not always comprehend what is involved.
Explain the ethical issue of equitable treatment identified by Sieber and Stanley
All ppts should be treated in an equitable manner, and resources which are vital to ppts’ well-being (e.g. educational opportunities) are not withheld from one group whilst being available to another.
Explain the ethical issue of scientific freedom identified by Sieber and Stanley
The scientist has a duty to engage in research but at the same time has an obligation not to harm ppts as well as institutions in society.
Explain the ethical issue of ownership of data identified by Sieber and Stanley
Some of the problems with determining ownership involve the sponsorship of the research (e.g. a university department or commercial organisation) and the public accessibility of the data.
Explain the ethical issue of values identified by Sieber and Stanley
Psychologists differ in their orientation towards subjective (idiographic) approaches and more objective (scientific) approaches. Sensitive issues arise when there is a clash in such values between the scientist and recipient of the research.
Explain the ethical issue of risk/benefit ratio identified by Sieber and Stanley
Risks or costs should be minimised, but problems arise in determining risks as well as benefits.
Explain the All Trials Campaign and how it tries to minimise the effects of the ethical issues related to the institutional context
Psychologists rely on research into drug therapies to inform ways of treating mental disorders such as depression. Much, if not all, research on drug therapies is funded by pharmaceutical companies who have been accused of selective publication of data from such research. For example, it is likely that companies do not publish data that may be harmful to their sales.
The All Trials Campaign, spearheaded by medical doctor Ben Goldacre, has called for all research to be made public and, in addition, that all research should actually be pre-registered. Such pre-registration would include stating the intended statistical analysis so that researchers cannot process data in a way which makes the outcome look more favourable to the drug.
Other issues include the fact that researchers often have to agree that institutional sponsors can censor the data produced.
The association PhRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America) has defended itself by saying such disclosures would reduce patients’ privacy and result in the production of fewer new drugs.