Hypothyroid Flashcards
Hypothyroidism is almost always (primary/secondary)
Primary (dysfunction, failure or absence of thyroid) (95%)
Hypothyroidism is usually seen in (men/women) and (young/old) patients
Women; older
Most common causes of Hypothyroidism
Autoimmune (Hashimoto’s)*
Radioiodine ablation
Medications (amiodarone, lithium, etc.)
*#1 in the United States
Most common cause of Hypothyroidism in US
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (autoimmune)
How does amiodarone cause Hypothyroidism
Wolff-Chaikoff Effect (when large amounts of iodine, which amiodarone is derived from, inhibits thyroid peroxidase within the follicular cells)
Cause of Hypothyroidism (MOST common cause in US); autoimmune destruction of Thyroid tissue; firm, non-tender enlargement of the thyroid gland; can see extensive lymphocytes, loss of colloid, Hurthle cell transformation and fibrosis on histology
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Histology findings for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Extensive lymphocytes
Loss of colloid
Hurthle cell transformation
Fibrosis (late stage)
What are the signs/symptoms of Hypothyroidism caused by?
Dec. metabolism and organ function
Accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (non-pitting edema)
Signs/Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
Fatigue/weakness Weight gain Cold Intolerance* Dec. HR inc. BP (diastolic) Dry skin/hair non-pitting Edema* Delayed reflexes*
Why might drawing thyroid tests in critically ill patients be problematic?
Can falsely look like SECONDARY hypothyroidism (low TSH and T3/T4)
Treatments for Hypothyroidism
Levothyroxine (synthetic form of T4)
Synthetic form of T4 used to treat Hypothyroidism
Demand for thyroid hormone increases during pregnancy, leading to what changes
Increased metabolism, TBG (estrogen), and urine iodide excretion
How can hypothyroidism during pregnancy be devastating?
- Affects brain development (one of 4 B’s)
2. Inc. risk of miscarriage, placental abruption, etc.
Signs/Symptoms of Congenital Hypothyroidism (aka “cretinism”)
*4 P’s
Poor brain development
Protruding tongue
Puffy face
Coma brought on by SEVERE Hypothyroidism; seen with chronic hypothyroidism after a precipitating event, such as severe illness, infection, surgery, etc.; has bradycardia, hypotension, hypothermia, hypoventilation and stupor (insensitivity)
Myxedema Coma
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is associated with increased risk of what malignancy
B-cell lymphoma
TSH, T4, T3 Levels of Primary Hypothyroidism
High, low, low
TSH, T4, T3 Levels of Subclinical Hypothyroidism
High, normal, normal
- early primary hypothyroidism
TSH, T4, T3 Levels of Secondary Hypothyroidism
Low, low, low
Substance that impair absorption of levothyroxine
Ca+2, Fe, multivitamins
TSH, Total T4, free T4 of pregnant woman with normal thyroid function
Normal, high, normal
TSH, Total T4, free T4 of pregnant woman with hypothyroidism
high, low, low
How does hcg affect the levels of TSH and T4
Decrease TSH
Increase T4
*hcg acts like TSH