Hypothenar compartment Flashcards
What are the muscles of the hypothenar compartment?
Abductor digiti minimi
flexor digiti minimi brevis
opponens digiti minnimi
What are attachments of all hypothenar muscle?
all attach to carpal bones
what is the innervation of all hypothenar muscles?
deep ulnar nerve
What are the attachments of the abductor digiti minnimi?
pisciformes bone and tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris to base of proximal phalanx small slip to extensor expansion of 5th digit
what is the action of abductor digit minimi?
abducts 5th digit
What are the attachment for flexor digit minima brevis?
hook of hamate and flexor retnaculum to base of 5th metacarpal
may be absent or fused with abductor digit minimi
What is the action of flexor digit minimi?
flexes 5th digit
What are the attachments opponents digit minimi?
hook of hamate and flexor retnaculum to shaft of 5th metacarpal
What is the action of opponents digit minimi?
flexes and slightly rotates 5th metacarpal bone