Hypothalamic and Pituitary Function (F) Flashcards
What is pituitary (/ pituitary gland)?
It is the “master gland”
What is the fxn of pituitary?
It secretes hormones
What is the fxn of hormones secreted by the pituitary?
These regulate other glands
The pituitary is needed for what?
1) Metabolism
2) Gonadal fxn
3) Thyroidal fxn
4) Adrenal fxn
What is the action of pituitary?
It is a transponder that translates neural input into a hormonal or endocrinologic product
What are the distinguishing features of pituitary fxn?
1) Feedback loops
2) Pulsatile secretions
3) Diurnal rhythms
4) Environmental or external modification of its performance
What are the 3 distinct parts of pituitary?
1) Anterior pituitary or adenohypophysis
2) Intermediate lobe or pars intermedialis
3) Posterior pituitary or neurohypophysis
What are the characteristics of anterior pituitary or adenohypophysis?
1) It is the largest portion of the pituitary gland
2) It originates from Rathke’s pouch
What are the characteristics of intermediate lobe or pars intermedialis?
1) It is poorly developed in humans
2) It has little fxnal capacity
What is the characteristic of posterior pituitary or neurohypophysis?
It arises from diencephalon
What are the responsibilities of posterior pituitary or neurohypophysis?
It is responsible for storage and release of:
1) Oxytocin
2) Vasopressin
Where does pituitary reside?
It resides in a pocket of sphenoid
The pituitary is surrounded by what?
It is surrounded by dura mater
The afferent pathways (inputs) to hypothalamus are integrated in what (in connection to fxnal aspects of the hypothalamic-hypophysial unit)?
These are integrated in various specialized nuclei
What is done to the afferent pathways (inputs) to hypothalamus w/c are integrated in various specialized nuclei?
These are processed and resolved into sp. patterned responses
What are the characteristics of hypothalamic response patterns?
1) It is similar for each sp. pituitary hormone
2) Open-loop (-) feedback mechanisms (like thermostat)
3) Pulsatility
4) Cyclicity
What are the most common products of hypothalamus (in connection to hypophysiotropic or hypothalamic hormones)?
1) Peptides
2) Bioactive amines
What are the multiple actions that are often done by hypothalamic hormones?
1) TRH stimulates secretion of both TSH and prolactin
2) GnRH stimulates both LH and FSH production
3) Somatostatin inhibits GH and TSH release from pituitary
4) Vasopressin stimulates H2O metabolism and ACTH secretion
Where are hypophysiotropic hormones found?
These are found throughout:
1) Central nervous system (CNS)
2) Gut
3) Pancreas
4) Other endocrine glands
What are the characteristics of anterior pituitary hormones?
These are larger and more complex > those from hypothalamus
What are the 2 types of anterior pituitary hormones?
1) Tropic
a. GH
2) Direct effectors
a. LH
b. FSH
c. TSH
What is the characteristic of tropic?
Its actions are sp. for another endocrine gland
What are the actions of GH?
1) It affects substrate metabolism
2) It stimulates liver to produce growth factors
What is the action of direct effectors?
It acts directly on peripheral tissue
What is the action of LH?
It directs testosterone production from Leydig cells
What are the actions of FSH?
1) Ovarian recruitment
2) Folliculogenesis
3) Spermatogenesis
What is the action of TSH?
It directs thyroid hormone production from thyroid
What is the action of ACTH?
It regulates adrenal steroidogenesis
In connection to pituitary tumors, how many percent of people harbor clinically silent pituitary adenomas?
Up to 20%